Chapter 1

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"Oh my gosh, Danny! Guess what?"

Danny faced his tech friend, Tucker. Tucker was currently fanboying (I don't know.... Maybe that's it.) and it really creeped Danny out.

"Uh... yeah Tucker?"

"The new Sonic the Hedgehog (yep. I'm going with that.) game is out! You know, the Sonic Unleashed game! I can't wait to play it!"

"I'm happy for you, Tucker. I really am. It's just a game though. I know you're a techno geek, but this is overboard."

"Let me be happy!"

Danny chuckled and rolled his eyes at his friend. Today had been an okay day. He got a C on his English test, and he handed in his homework. Hey, it was the best he could do with his tight schedule. Besides, he couldn't study much because he had another battle with Skulker. Lancer actually ignored the fact that Danny actually took a nap after the test! Being known had it's advantages. Next was gym. He wasn't excited for this. The was going to be a dodgeball game and he hates dodgeball. He's usually the first one out. Tucker caught on to Danny's looked.

"Hey, don't worry Danny! All you have to do is run! Don't even go for the balls. Stay alive! Or at least keep your half life you have." Tucker laughed.

"Haha, very funny, Tucker."

They arrived at the gym and went to go change. All the boys in the locker room we're excited for dodgeball and were already making plans on who to hit first. Danny winced when he heard his name mentioned.

"I'm so dead... more than I need to be..."

"I thought we were done with the ghost jokes." Tucker said.

"Seems right." Danny replied.

After they changed, they went to the gym. They did their warm ups and they gathered around together.

"Alright kids. You know the drill. Popular kids on one side, and losers on the other."

"I still think that's kind of mean..."

Danny and Tucker walked to the looser side and sighed. The A-Listers laughed and made vicious faces to the losers.

"Yo Fenton! You're on our side!"

"Uh... no I'm not! I've always been a loser."

Dash shrugged and then the game began. Tucker and Danny stuck together like glue as the dodged the balls. The finally got hold of a ball and threw it towards an A-Lister. It his right in the center of his face and sent him to the floor. A few more throws later and soon they were faced with Quan and Dash. Dash hauled a ball towards Danny and hit him smack dab into the face. Dash gapped at Danny on the floor holding his face. Dash looked like a fish. He tried to speak but no words came out. Tucker ran to Danny and uncovered his face leaving a bruise on his eye.

"Dude, you ok?"

Danny looked at Tucker and burst into laughing.

"That was actually fun!"

"Oh my gosh... that hit must've hit you hard..." Tucker sighed.

They laughed together. Suddenly, the loud speak went on.

"Pardon the interruption, staff, pardon the interruption. Will Danny and Jazz Fenton please report to the main office with their things. They're going home. Once again, will Danny and Jazz Fenton please report to the main office with their things. They're going home. Thank you."

Everyone stared at Danny as he got up and slowly made his way to the locker room to change. He said goodbye to Tucker and made his way to the main office. Jazz was there and they looked at each other oddly. When they entered the office, their parents and Danielle sat there ready to pick them up.

"What's going on here? Why are we leaving early?" Danny questioned.

Danielle shrugged and Jazz sighed.

The Fenton's got into the Specter Speeder and drove off. Everyone was quiet for the ride. When they arrived home, they all sat at the table for a family meeting.

"Kids," Maddie started. "We have some news for you."


Hey guys! It's Sayoko here! Hoped this chapter wasn't to rushed. Especially since it's the first chapter here. Tell me what you think in the comment section! I look forward to putting up more chapters! Arigato minna!

(I have reread this and I want to rewrite this but I'm just gonna upload it as it is for now. It sucks really bad now lol)

(The pictures will not upload so I will post the link )

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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