Chapter 3

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Hey y'all! I'm back with another chappie! It might be hard to update because I have school and homework and whatnot. I'll try and update as much as I can... maybe once a week?

Danny: That's too long...

Well what do you expect. You're in high school too. You know how it feels to have such a tight schedule. Especially, when you first start high school.

Danny: I guess...

Good. Now... Onto the story!

Months went by quickly in the Fenton home. Jazz and Danny helped their mom as much as they could. Danny would help out with the groceries and help his father with the inventions. Jaz would help her mother by making the food, doing household chores and by taking her places. Jack would just keep her company when the kids were in school. The due date was getting closer and the family grew more protective of their mother/wife and sibling/child. Danny and Jazz grew more stressed out, especially in school. Danny, who was getting better grades, was now skipping school and sleeping in class again. Jazz, a straight A student, was now barely getting a B in class. Their teachers tried to help them but they both refused the help. None told their teachers about a new sibling coming. Once the baby was born, they would get some peace.


"...ny ...anny ....DANNY!"

"WHAT!? What happened??"

Danny shot up looking around the class to see everyone giggling at him and Mr. Lancer standing there in front of him.

"Is there a reason for your sleeping in my class... again? I understand the ghost hunting stuff but since then you haven't been sleeping in my class. Is there something other than that? What is the purpose of this?"

"I just had a long night... That's all." Danny huffed.

He didn't like the fact that Lancer was going in his personal business. Sure, that was his teacher and he's only trying to help him get good grades, but this was crossing the line.

"I'd like to speak to you after class. Pay attention, Fenton."

"Yes, Mr. Lancer..."


Danny walked into Lancer's office and sat in a chair. Soon enough, he walked in but with his sister. She sat next to him and sighed.

"Now, I know that you have a tight schedule, but I need to know what you did yesterday. Maybe it'll help me figure out something for you. I've brought your sister here cause she knows what you do. Jazz, I..."

Lancer looked at Jazz and was shocked to see her sleeping away in the chair. Danny chuckled and looked at Lancer who sat dumbfounded in his chair.

"She had a long day yesterday as well."

"I see... Alright you're excused for today, but get some rest tonight, understood?"


Danny got up from his chair and went to Jazz. He moved her slightly and she shot up in her seat.

"Is the meeting over!?"

"Yep. Come on, let's go home."

Both left the office and Lancer sat back in his chair.

"What else don't I know about that boy..."


Danny and Jazz walked into the house and immediately went to do their jobs. Jazz went to her mother's room to help her go to the store to buy some extra items for the baby. Danny went downstairs to take his mother's place with the ghost inventions.

"So Danny, how was school today?"

"I fell asleep in Lancer's class again, and now, he thinks there's something wrong with me."

"Ah Danny, I'm sorry. I know you have school. You shouldn't have to do extra. Especially with the homework, waking up early, not to mention the ghost hunting... Maybe you should take a break."

"Not a chance. I'm helping you and Mom. I am helping with getting ready for my new sibling. You can't change my mind."

Jack smiled at his son. He seemed so much braver and had a lot more courage to risk himself for others. Before he could say anything, his cellphone rang.


"Dad... It's coming!!"

"WHAT!? We're coming! Get your mother to the hospital quickly!"


Jack hung up and scrambled around the house to get his stuff ready. Danny helped his father get into the Specter Speeder and they drove off as quick as they could.

"I'm coming, little one." Danny mumbled.

There you have it! I know, I know... short chapter... I usually write more but I wanted to get the chapter to you faster.

Danny: No excuse. They expected it sooner.

-_- I know... Just chill out, Danny. You're sibling is coming! Aren't you excited?

Danny: I would be if you would stop with the cliffhangers.

NEVER! *runs away with the next chapter*

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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