Chapter 2

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"Kids," Maddie started, "Have you ever thought of having another sibling?"

"Uh... I did but Danny kept getting older. Then I gave up. I thought having a sister would be awesome." Jazz spoke.

"Yeah same." Danny said.

"Danielle would've made the perfect little sister, but when it was discovered that she is capable of being Danny's daughter, that happened." Jazz continued.

"Well, your father and I have some news about a new sibling." Maddie said.

Both of them looked at her strangely.

"Are you adopting a child? Oh mom, that's amazing!" Jazz exclaimed.

"Yeah! I honestly don't care if it's a boy or girl, I can't wait to teach her/him awesome new things that people actually enjoy in life!!"

Both Maddie and Jack looked at each other nervously. They hugged each other and looked back at their children. Jack nodded towards Maddie and she smiled at her beloved children.

"Kids... I am not going to adopt a child."

"You're not? But... I thought you said... oh..." Danny said.

"You mean you're..." Jazz continued.

"Yes. I'm pregnant."

Danny and Jazz looked at each other. Both were pale and their eyes were as wide as sausages. Both tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Uh kids? You look like you've seen a ghost... Ha! Am I right Danny? You know cause you're a gho... nevermind. It died."

Danny and Jazz fell to the floor and fainted.

"Great! Now my kids are down. What do I do now??"

Maddie facepalmed.

(says in that weird narrator guy voice in Spongebob)

~A few hours later~

"Augh.. what hit my head..." Danny said as he woke up.

"I don't know but what ever hit you, hit me as well..." Jazz replied.

"Hey! You kids are awake!"

Danny and Jazz suddenly remembered why they fainted and smiles appeared on their faces. The thought of a new sibling made them smile.

"Is it really true? Are we really getting another sibling??" Danny asked.

"Yes. It's true."


Danny and Jazz hugged each other and ran to their parents and hugged them as well. Tears were shed and happiness filled the Fenton home. They immediately started making plans.

"Oh my gosh! Mom, no more ghost hunting until after the baby is born! And Dad! You're the husband in this case so no more hunting for you either! You need to be at Mom's side at all times! From now till then, Danny can take care of the ghosts."

"Haven't I always? Hello, I almost died... More than once trying to stop these ghosts!"

"Right. Ok, Danny will take care of them alone till then. Mom, that jumpsuit will be too tight for when the baby gets bigger. Me and you are going shopping!"

"Oh boy.." Maddie said.

YUP! A very short chapter. I sort of got Writer's Block and ended up stopping here. I mean it might be a good stopping point... Look! I brought a guest!

Danny: Hey.

Me: So what do you think?

Danny: You're ghost jokes are horrible...

Me: DX I'm sorry! I'm not that good at stories! Or jokes! Give me a break!

Danny: Well I guess I'll stick around. I wanna see what my new sibling is like. Is it a boy or a girl?

Me: Not telling.

Danny: -_-

Me: Well I'll see y'all in the next chappie! Oooo I like that name! Ok bye. 

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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