Chapter 11

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Ok so school has been hectic, but yeah. I'm finding small bits of time to write. In between home stuff and school stuff. Ya know. So yeah... I present you with... Chapter 11!

The family stood together with their weapons aiming at the ghost. They've seen him before, especially Jack and Maddie. They aimed their weapons to the ghost's face.

"Don't get any closer." Maddie warned.

"Oh Maddie... Always so hostile."

"Keep away from my family, Vlad." Jack spat.

"Jack, but... They're my family too! Don't you remember you gave me the title 'Uncle'"?

"That title was long over since the spaceship event. Remember? When I left you in space?"

"What a buffoon you were to do so, Jack."

"Hey! Right here, remember?? I'm the one you're after so get me already! Leave them out of this. You want to settle this? Let's do it now."

"Ahhh Danny, aren't you going to ask how I returned?"

Danny paused and stared at him.

"Yeah, how did you? I thought you were left in space never to return to Earth alive?"

"Ahhh, yes. How tragic for me. You were right about never returning to Earth alive. Do I look alive to you?"

"You kinda never looked alive to me."

Vlad growled.

"I'm sick of you always mocking me, Little Badger. You think you'll win this time? Trust me, I've built my skills over the years. In your condition, it will be a peace of cake."

He charged up his Ecto-blast and aimed it towards Danny. As he shot it, Danny turned intangible, letting it hit the floor. He flew towards Plasmius and flew him threw the wall to the outside. Both ghosts chased each other through the city trying their best to ground one another.

"You can't beat me, Daniel!"

Danny paused in the air. He was filled with scars that bled through his face, and his suit ripped in different places showing more bleeding scars. Vlad made it out with barely a scratch. Vlad cackled and charged towards Danny and pinned him against a wall by his neck.

"Give up, Daniel. Some heroes can't always be victorious, can they?"

Danny winced and hung his head in shame.

"I'm sorry." he said to himself.

"You should be. Ten years ago, when you started your little hero buisness, your should have thought twice. I would have warned you, but you would have already been dedicated to it. Anyway, say goodbye now to your precious world."


Plasmius looked behind him and saw Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Danielle, AND Jamie. Each were in a fighting position.

"Let my baby boy go!" yelled a determined Maddie.

"Ha! You really think I'm going to give up that easily? I may be outnumbered, but you are all powerless against me. The great Danny Phantom is in my clutches. Does that mean nothing to you?"

"Let my brother go!" Jamie yelled aiming an Ecto-bazooka at him.

"My, my. Look what we have here. The newest Fenton already thinks she can beat a ghost. Listen sweetheart, you shouldn't be using tha... HEY!"

Vlad was cut short as a blast from Jamie came.

"Don't call me sweetheart." she said angrily.

He growled and his eyes glowed red. He dropped Danny, who fell to his knees and coughed a bit.

"Little girl, I suggest you don't tick me off. What I did to your brother was only to soften him up. I can easily kill a mortal like you."

"You were a mortal too. You were human just like the rest of us. Did you just forget everything about your human self?"

"Of course I didn't. Well, I remember everything from my half life. Everything before that is gone, but who cares. Jack stole Maddie from me, his horrible son ruined my chances of ever getting her back, and now the rest of my life is gone."

"You can always live your ghost life in peace! Just forgive and forget. That's what my family always says."

"Yet they keep coming after me with hate."

"That's because you came back for vengence."

Vlad stared at the girl. He hung his head.

"You're right. Maybe I should quit. I've spent years at it, and I always fail. Maybe I should stop."

Jamie was confused.

"That's it? You're just going to stop?"

"Yup... just like that."

She smiled.

"Great! I can be your first friend." she said happily and held her hand out.


He held his hand out and grabbed it and pulled her towards him.

"Oh, best of friends." He said with a cackle after that. He charged up his Ecto-blat once more and held his glowing hand to her head.

"Nobody move or the girl gets her head blown away."

Yes, this was a short chapter. I'm having a bit of Writer's Block and this time it's bad. I wanted to make the story longer but it seems that it may come to an end soon. Maybe a few more chapters. We'll see. Anyway, thank you to those who were patient and willing to wait for the next chapter.

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