Chapter 14

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Hey, I'm back with another chapter for ya'll. Now without further adue, I give you, Chapter 14!

Days passed by, weeks even. Danny stayed as long as he had to, of course going back to check up on his sister once in awhile undetected. She was out of surgery that day he left. They did their best to help. She was stabled but still very injured. Her chest was horrible looking, the injury not getting any better. She was running out of time, and so was Danny. He was in the middle of practice. He had gotten really good. He had one last test to pass: Healing an injury completely. He had to concentrate completely, letting nothing break it. His test was on himself. He had slowly gotten better with his injuries but he was ready to heal them. All of his friends at the Far North watched him as he stopped everything and tried to heal himself. His hands glowed a light blue and his eyes did as well replacing his toxic green ones. It took only a few seconds to let his power flow through his body. After, he stopped to a cheer from the crowd. He had done it. He was completely healed and well. He shed tears of joy as he jumped onto Frostbite for a hug. He would be able to help Jamie now.

"Thank you so much, Frostbite!"

"Thank you, for allowing us to teach you."

Danny nodded and looked to them. He thanked them for everything and flew off. He didn't know how long he had, so he had to hurry. He flew out of the Fenton Portal and flew straight to the hospital. He was stopped by Skulker.

"I see you have recovered, Ghost Boy. I guess I should tear you up again, hmm?"

"Back off, Skulker. I have no time for your games."

"Oh, there is no backing off. I will have your head."

"I killed Vlad, I will not hesitate to kill you too. I have no guilt for that."

Skulker was held back by this. Danny Phantom was actually threatening to kill him? What a challenge. Skulker gave a menacing laugh and charged after the 22 year old. Danny maneuvered around him and gave blasts to him. Danny was angry and he had no time for this. He held out the Fenton Thermos and sucked Skulker in. He flew away towards the hospital once more. He went intangible and flew right into the hospital and into Jamie's room. Jazz, his mom and dad were there with her as she slept. She looked horrible. She was pale white and her heartrate was slow on the monitor. He appeared which started his family but they ran to him and cried about how much they missed him.

"She looks horrible..." he said.

"She's not going to make it..." Maddie said crying onto Danny's shoulder.

"Yes she is."

Maddie pulled away from her son with a saddened, puzzled look.

"Danny... the doctor said..."

"I can help her."

He walked over to her bed and turned back into Fenton. He wanted his sister to see HIM when she woke up. He laid a hand on her chest. He felt her chest weakly rise and fall slowly. He pushed away the sadness and concentrated. He only looked at her and concentrated his full power on her. His hand glowed light blue and his eyes did as well like before. The room filled with his light. Some doctors ran in and were shocked, scared even, seeing what he was doing. His eyes turned completely white-blue. His hair waved as if wind was circling him. Finally, he stopped. The light he made went out. He fell to his knees after using that much power. The doctors left the room with eternal shock (XD). His family ran to him.

"Danny, what did you just do??" Jazz yelled.

"Some... something I learned to help her..."

He looked up to his sister. He hoped that she would wake up.

"Please..." he whispered to her.

Suddenly, the heart monitor stopped showing her heart stopped as well. His eyes widened at the sound. He scrambled to his feet. How was it possible? It was supposed to work! His eyes filled with tears and he yelled.

"It was supposed to work! Why didn't it work?? Jamie, please wake up!"

"Danny, you tried..." Jazz said between sobs.

"No! It was supposed to work! I just worked before! How is this possible?"

Jazz pulled him into a hug and he sobbed in the comfort of his big sister. The doctor ran in and saw the scene. He left them to have a few more minutes with her. The sound of the heart monitor was all that could be heard over the cries of the Fenton family.

Sorry it was short. I can't believe what I just did. I'M SORRY! I'm CRYING AS WE SPEAK DX. There will be a few more chapters and that will result in the completion in THE NEW ADDITION. Thank you for reading. Vote and Comment your reactions. As always, see you in the next chapter.

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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