Chapter 7

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Another chapter. Ok, so I'm having some serious Writer's Block so this might be horrible.

Danny: You're still doing the chapter, though?


The next day was all planned out for Jamie. She wanted everything to be just right. She planned to spend the whole day with Danny and if there happened to be a ghost, she'll see him change into his "ghost form". If he doesn't change, that proves that he's not the hero they speak of. Jamie was always one for straight and proven answers. She excitedly ran to Danny's room and bursted inside, just to find her older brother still sleeping. He looked at if he just went to sleep as well. She sighed and slowly walked out of the door. Danny's eyes shot open and saw her. He remembered their day together and pulled off his cover. He was extremely tired, as a result of a welcome back ambush from his enemies. It took him all night just to capture all of them. He sighed and looked at his baby sister with a smile. She turned around to see Danny putting his shoes on. Her smiled shined with glee. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him as he chuckled.

"Why are you so tired, Danny?" She eventually asked.

"Some of my 'friends' had a 'welcome home party' for my arrival back from college."

Jamie tilted her head.

"Why at night?"

"They like doing stuff like that at night... It's also when they are at their strongest... At night. The night fuels them, sort of."


Danny burst into laughter at his sister's sudden confusion. He rubbed her head and walked to the door. He waved at her indicating that they were leaving. She shook off the confusion and followed. They walked downstairs to see their parents working on a new invention. Jamie rolled her eyes and walked to the door. Danny followed and just before he walked out, he heard a voice from behind.

"Ghost found. Activating weaponry attack simulation."

Danny turned around and moved back quickly when he saw weapons aimed at him. His parents screamed and quickly turned it off.

"Sorry Danny. We forgot to tell you that we put a ghost detector on the door. There have been a few incidents where ghosts have actually USED the door... Weird right?"

"Haha yeah... Um... I'm going out with Jamie. I'll see you later, ok?"

"Have a good day, Sweetie!"

"I will, Mom."

He closed the door and walked to his sister.

"What was that for? You took a bit long in there."

"Just the ghost detectors... they went off."

"Ugh... Those stupid things always go off... I think they're defective."

Danny laughed.

"Nah... they are just doing what they are supposed to. Detect ghosts."

"Yeah well... I think they do a horrible job."

Danny smiled and they walked down the street with her. They walked in silence until Danny spoke again.

"So what do you want to do? I assume you planned stuff last night, right?"

Jamie's eyes lit up. She nodded and grabbed his hand. She ran with him through the streets to their first destination. The movie theater. Danny smiled and walked her inside to the ticket person. They looked at the selection and chose to watch The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water. They made their way to the movie and sat at the back. The theater was mostly empty but there were still a good amount of people there to watch it. Soon the movies started.


"That was so funny! What did you think Danny?"

"I've never heard of a more annoying laugh than that..."

"But the laugh is the best part!"

Danny cringed. Never would he watch the movie again. If he had to, he had to at least wear earplugs for the laughing moments. As they reached the exit, a familiar breath of cold air exited Danny's mouth. He stopped in his tracks and looked around. Jamie turned around and stared at her brother. She was very confused. People, as if on cue, began to scream and run in fear. Danny grabbed his sister's hand and ran out of the theater. He looked up and growled. A familiar laugh filled the room. His sister hugged his arm and he felt her body shiver in fear. The voice got closer until an armored body appeared in front of him and his sister. It smiled maniacally as it landed in front of them.

"Hello... Ghost Boy."

Ok... that took me a few days to complete but I finally did it! I won't give up on this story like I did with the others I wrote. I will finish. I. WILL. FINISH.

Danny: Nice motivation.

Thanks. I need it. So... until next chappie, Readers!

~Sayoko Shimazaki

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