Chapter 1 - Hot Coffee

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The familiar screech of the train echoed in the station, signalling its halt.
Spencer grabbed his shoulder bag and stepped onto the platform. This was a new day on the job, a new case.

After scanning his ID, Spencer climbed into the elevator. He always had this habit of coming to work early. After all, no one was waiting for him at his flat, and he loved his job more than anything else.
The elevator doors opened.
Spencer stepped into the empty office.

So silent, so early.

Soon the place would start to fill, busy and loud. But for now, he had the level to himself.
He smiled.
Starting the coffee machine, the young doctor hummed.

"Doctor Who, huh?"

Spencer jumped, the scorching hot drink nearly spilling out of its cup.
Garcia was behind him. Probably hungover, he thought, judging by her messy hair and terrible breath.

"Why are you here so early?"
The agent asked, a little bothered to have to share the office.

"Hotch asked me to prepare the presentation of the new case, and since I didn't really do it yesterday... It's a weird one, really."
Spencer shrugged. A little challenge wasn't going to stop him.

"So...Late night out yesterday?" He asked, sipping on his coffee and slightly smirking.
Penelope gave an equally cunning smirk.

"That is none of your business, young man!"


Lilith reached for her alarm, clearly having abused of her power over the snooze button.
The young girl threw the covers off her body and clumsily paced toward her bathroom. Toothpaste in one hand, toothbrush in the other. She was now executing her morning routine at four times the usual speed; her makeup and clothes were chosen in record time.

"Merde, merde!"

Lilith had spilled her breakfast - a piece of toast and tea. Picking up and trashing her entire meal, she grabbed her keys on the counter.

"No time! No time!"

Lilith ran out of her apartment. Her dress was probably the wrong way round, and she had forgotten to brush her hair.
She arrived at the train station, a few minutes to spare.

Had she even locked her door?

Coffee, Tea //  Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now