Chapter 2 - Messy Hair and Leather Notebooks

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As soon as everyone had taken a seat, Garcia sighed and started the presentation.

"Ok, my lovelies. There has been three murders, all in a 100 mile radius of Washington.
The first one happened six days ago."

As she clicked on the remote control, gruesome images appeared on the screen.

"Diane Wilson." Rossi read out from the file.

"Yes. 42, unmarried, no kids. The next one happened three days ago."

New images. This time, a brown haired woman.

"This is Margaret Thomas, 29, unmarried, son of three."

JJ had a pained look on her face at the thought of the orphaned child.

"So he targets white women in their late twenties to early fourties?" SSA Derek Morgan asked.

"Well, this is where it gets complicated..."

Penelope clicked on the controller once again.

"This is Timothy Dunham. He was 68, killed yesterday."

"So you're telling me this unsub targets young white girls as well as elderly black men? And he travels miles and miles to kill specific targets? There must be a link between them..." Rossi muttered.

"Actually, no, except from the fact they lived a bit secluded from other people. We could only link them through notes the unsub left at the scene. They all seem to be extracts from the Bible."

"I can confirm it," Spencer said, looking over the evidence.

"All the houses and flats of the victims show signs of a dispute, and the bodies are heavily mutilated."

Hotch took a deep breath.

"Prentiss, JJ, you will track down the families of the victims and question them. Rossi, you will be with me. Morgan, Reid, you will head to the coroner's office."

"Reid, want a ride?" Morgan asked the young doctor.

"Actually, no. I forgot some stuff at my place. I'll take a train and join you at the coroner's directly."

Spencer flung his bag onto his shoulder and headed out of the building.


Reid let his gaze wander around the train. A mother, vainly attempting to quail her children. A businessman, typing as if his life depended on it. A musician, trying to make a living off his rustic guitar.

A young woman, drawing in a leather notebook.

She tucked a piece of her short black hair behind her ear, and attempted to blow out her messy bangs out of her face by puffing her pink cheeks. Her outfit was quite peculiar yet fitting: a sky blue dress, as well as combat boots. Wait... was her dress the wrong way round?

The woman lifted her gaze, and crossed Spencer's.


The man standing in front of her quickly looked away, as she had caught him staring. He was quite tall, and thin. Lanky. "Quirky" was the precise word that came to Lilith's mind when saw him. His curly fawn hair, his converse and tie, everything screamed "quirky". His face had turned red from embarrassment.
His awkwardness made her smile. In a way, she could relate.

"Next stop, Mulligan station."

Lilith put away her sketchbook and pencil, and got up to her feet.

As soon she stepped onto the platform, she lost sight of the man.


"Hey, Ezra."

"Wow. You look dead inside, Lilith."
The clinic's receptionist stated.

"That's because I am, matey!" The woman said, shooting finger guns at her friend.

"Don't do that. Why am I even talking to you? Just get changed, the FBI is getting its ass here soon." Ezra signalled the back door.

Lilith sighed as she pushed the door. She traded her black cardigan for a heavy, white lab coat, made her way to the examination room and started preparing the body.

Soon enough, she heard her friend's familiar voice through the wall.

"Yes, we were expecting you. Over here please."

Footsteps in the corridor.
Ezra was at the door, two agents behind her.

"Well, Doctor, this is SSA Derek Morgan, and Doctor Reid. I'll go back to my work now." The receptionist left, leaving the two men with Lilith.

Lilith took out her hand and proceeded to shake Morgan's, before halting in front of the second agent.
Doctor Reid seemed just as confused as her.

"Well hello again, I guess?" She snickered, surprised.

"Ah well, uh, hello," he answered, destabilised.

She took out her hand, and the young man shook it, to SSA Derek Morgan's surprise.

"I'm going to look for the file, I'll be right back." Lilith said, as she left the room.

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