Chapter 6

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Adrian's POV:

"Get lost! Get out of my way!" Carrying Ryan's unconscious body up the stairs, I burst into my room hurriedly as I stared anxiously at his lifeless state. This is why I fucking hate parties. They're never good news.

Wrapping him up in my blanket, I turned on the heater quickly as my door got slammed open my a flustered looking Trisha. "What happened to him Adrian?!" She asked fearfully as she rushed towards us. "Oh my goodness! His hand! I'll go get the first aid kit!" Dashing out of the room, she slammed the door shut again from curious busybody eyes.

Taking the bandages out swiftly from Trisha when she returned, I disinfected the wound carefully before wrapping his hand up, making sure that it was properly wrapped. "Did you make him cough up the water?"

"He coughed it up by his own when I got him out of the pool but fell unconscious afterwards." He scared the fuck out of me. I thought he died. I seriously thought he died.

"Adrian, are you okay? You're...crying..." Tears rolled down my face onto Ryan's bandaged hand as I held it preciously in mine.

"I-I don't cry...s-something just flew into my eyes. Can you let me be alone with him for a while, Mum?" Trisha nodded understandingly before grabbing the first aid kit.

"Sure Adrian. Take all the time you want." Hearing the door close, I covered my beauty with the blanket properly, making sure that he's laying comfortably. So beautiful...brushing his hair to a side, I place a light kiss on his forehead before sitting at the side of the bed, holding his hand as my personal comfort that he's still here.

"Don't scare me ever again, Ryan. I swear you scared the crap out of me." Resting my cheek against his injured hand, I place my lips against his fingers, enjoying the feeling of closeness. Thank goodness he's safe...I love him so so much...

Ryan's POV:

Urgh...what happened? The bright sunlight pierced into my eyes, making me squint slightly. Ouch. A sharp pain shot through my hand making me turn towards it to see Adrian holding my bandages hand as he slept by my b-wait...this isn't my's his!

"'t leave me can't...Ryan!"He cried out loudly, shooting awake abruptly to wrap his arms around my body as he shook against my chest. "Don't leave me Ryan. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me Ryan." He pleaded over and over again as he wrapped his arms much tightly around me.

"Shhh...I'm not going anywhere Adrian, I'm not. I'm here, aren't I?" Stroking his back gently, he looked up into my eyes with his tear-stained ones.

"I thought I lost you...I thought I lost you..." He mumbled under his breath as he buried his face into my neck.

"It's only a dream Adrian, it's only a dream. I'm still here, I'll never leave you." After a few minutes of calming him down, he peered up with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"You called me Adrian..." He said in glee making me realise what I've just done.

"N-No I did not, Young Master."

"Yes you did beautiful. Call me again. Call me Adrian again." He insisted

"You've heard wrongly, Y-"







"Young Master."

"Adrian...Wait, I-I mean-"

"See, it wasn't that hard was it?" He smirked, jumping onto his bed, scaring me by his sudden actions as I fell backwards using my hand as a support.

"Ouch!" I should start wearing leather gloves during those events. This cut hurts like shit.

"Shit! Sorry!" Adrian gasped in alarm as he quickly took hold of my hand to check on it. "Thank goodness it did not open." He sighed in relief before placing my hand on his lap as he massaged it carefully.

"Umm...who saved me...A-Adrian?"


"You? You can't swim!"

"There was a lifebuoy?"

"Are you out of your mind?! What if you drowned?! You know that you can't swim yet you jumped down? You would have gotten yourself killed!"

"I would rather get myself getting killed saving you rather than watching you drown! Those useless stick up in the ass people didn't even fucking bother to help! They were watching you drown like it was some fucking korean drama even though I asked them to help! I would rather die with the one I love rather than live with those cold-blooded people!" He shouted in rage as he clenched his fists tightly, knuckles turning white as he said every word.


"How do you expect me to let the one I've love since 5 years ago die in front of my eyes? I really mean it Ryan, I love you. I love you so madly, I felt my heart stop when you fell into the pool paralyzed! I thought that if you're going to die, I might as well join you so that at least both of us won't be lonely and would still be together in the after-life! I really really love you Ryan, can't you see?" Tears fell from his face as he spilled his hearts out in agony. My heart constricted in pain from the overwhelming amount of emotions. How can he be so silly? I would rather he live. I want him to continue living no matter what.

I wanted to scream at him for being so reckless but I couldn't.  Looking away from him, I lay against the headboard with my eyes closed as I tried to calm my racing heart down. Then do you know how I feel, Adrian? Did you know how glad I was to know that I was able to save the one I only want to ever protect? The one I love so dearly? 

Do you know how relieved I felt when I know that you will be able to continue to live just because of my little sacrifice? I could pop a champagne and throw a party in my death just to celebrate you being alive! But hearing that you did something so dangerous at the extent of your own life petrified me. I save you to keep you alive, not for you to kill yourself with me.

"My life means nothing without you around! You are what that keeps me alive! It's my love for you which allow me to bite my teeth and go through the tiring days! You make me feel alive, Ryan! I love you! If you ever say such thing about yourself, I'll make sure to take a drill to drill the fact that you are extremely significant to me, into your head." He held my shoulders in a death grip as said it firmly while looking into my eyes. He said it so sincerely, my heart almost stopped beating for what's next to come. "Be my boyfriend, Ryan. Please, give me a chance to prove my love to you."

My heart clenched tightly at his words as I held my tears in from falling. "I'm sorry, Adrian. I can't return you your feelings." Jumping down from the bed, I dashed out of his room and into mine without looking back even once. I can't bare to see the look on his face...

I'm sorry Adrian, I really am. Please forgive me.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now