Chapter 43

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As promised to update max by ya'll go. 😊

Adrian's POV:

"I hereby declare the defendant to be guilty of his charges. For kidnapping and torturing the victim to near death state, Lucian Black has been charged with culpable homicide and will be sentenced to 30 years in prison and 15 strokes of cane.

In addition, for the use of illegal drugs, he will be sentenced to an additional 3 years in jail and a fine of $5000." The judge announced as he ended the court session with a few hits of the gavel against a sound block.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing! I'm innocent! That fucking faggot! How dare you blame me for what have happened to you! Burn in hell fag!" Dad spat rudely and furiously at Ryan as he got dragged away by arm by two officers as he kicked the air, trying to escape their clutches.

I can't believe own biological dad actually did something so cruel to my lover. When the doctor who attended to Ryan flashed the pictures of Ryan's condition when he was found, I almost puked on the spot and that didn't stop my tears from falling continuously when I saw how bad his condition was. I sweared to myself that I'll protect him yet I didn't. I failed my duty as his boyfriend.


"How is he doc?" I asked fearfully as the doctor stepped out of his ward.

"He's fine and he's awake. His damage was greatly minimized and only attained a large bruise at the back of his head. We've done a CT scan for him and I'm glad to say that there's o serious damage done to him."

"So can I see him now? Is there anything I have to take note about?"

"Yes you may, Sir. I've also given him some painkillers to relieve his pain but do give him two more after 6 hours if he feels any pain after that. Other than that, he can be discharged from the hospital by tomorrow morning."

"Thank you doc." Nodding his head slightly, I slid past him and dashed into Ryan's ward to see him seated up with a soft smile on his face as he stared at me directly.

"Seems like I'm a cat huh." He joked lightly as I shook my head at him in disbelief.

"How are you feeling, Ry?"

"My head hurts a little but other than that, I'm fine. What happened by the way? I remembered falling and then..."

"The crowd of reporters and passersby had managed to save you in the nick of time. They pulled out the large cloth covering the podium and used that to catch you with it by holding the sides tightly. It greatly minimized your damage but you still landed hard and hit your head against the ground, causing yourself to blackout." If they weren't there, Ryan could have died. For that, I'm really grateful for them even though they're annoying like pests.

"Oh...So I have seven lives left huh."

"Stop joking about your life like that." I punched him lightly against his shoulder as he chuckled at my actions. "I mean it. I can't lose you Ryan. I missed you so much you know?"

"I'm sorry. If I had remembered earlier, you wouldn't have to go through with that." He said remorsefully as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Don't worry. All that matters is that you're back. That's all I can ever ask for." Maneuvering myself onto his hospital bed, I pulled him closer to me and into my embrace as he laid his head against my shoulder while letting out a deep breath of comfort.

"What happened?" I questioned after a few minutes of silence, causing him to stiffen up in my arms.

"Your dad..." He whispered so softly, I wouldn't have been able to catch it if I wasn't listening carefully. My blood boiled at his words as I clenched my fists in fury. He really did something to Ryan. How could he? How can he be such a cold-blooded bastard?!

"Tell me everything." I ordered as Ryan took a deep breath before spilling every single thing that happened to me. Seeing his tears fall freely is the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced. I want to wipe away his tears and tell him that all is alright but I knew that it will just be meaningless. Nothing will be solved with words.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed for the police to arrest my dad without questions and to detain him, not letting anyone bail him out. Time for payback dad. You'll pay dearly for hurting the one I love.

Just then, the door burst open to reveal Mum, Leon and Catherine standing at the door with wide and teary eyes. Let the waterworks begin then.

End of flashback~

"It's over Ryan. We no longer need to hide anymore."

"Yeah." He whispered softly as he stared into my eyes with his teary ones. Despite that, he has a bright smile on his face which has the strength to wash away all my worries.

"Follow me." Nodding his head, I took his hand firmly in mine before leading him out of the courtyard and out into the open, revealing a sea of eager reporters.

"Look here everyone! From now onwards, I will openly announce to the world that Ryan here, is my boyfriend and my the one who I'll spend the rest of my life with. He's the one I love so jot it down and don't spread any unnecessary scandals or rumors about the previous incident. Got it?" I announced to the crowd as they cheered loudly as congrats were thrown in our direction.

Staring down at the love of my life who've I wrapped my arms around his waist, he stared up at me with flushed cheeks as he buried his head into my chest in embarrassment as flashes went off like fireworks.

"I love you, Ryan."

"I love you too, Adrian."


Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang