Chapter 46

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Triple update in a day! I'm so proud of myself *cries*.

WARNING - Kinda boring chapter ahead.

Ryan's POV:

"Where are you bringing us to, Adrian?" Trish asked questioningly as we sat buckled up in his car as he drove us to god knows where.

"You'll see." He replied simply with a wide grin on his face while he kept his eyes on the road.

After work, he picked both of us up from the kindergarten. Trish is the lunchcook for the kindergarten while I'm the teacher there. She was on leave beforehand as she had caught a flu and didn't want to spread it to the kids so she decided to stay home instead.

Turning into a small road, we stopped in front of a beautiful cottage house where Adrian asked us to get out of the car.

Turning into a small road, we stopped in front of a beautiful cottage house where Adrian asked us to get out of the car

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"Why are we here, Adrian? Are we meeting someone? Oh dear, I don't think I'll look presentable wearing this." Trish fretted anxiously, making Adrian chuckle lightly before digging into his pants and fishing out a set of keys. Taking Trish's hand in his, he opened her palm gently before placing the set of keys on her palm.

"W-What's the meaning of this Adrian?" Trish said with slightly trembling voice as Adrian closed her fingers around the keys.

"This is my gift for you Mum. You've always told me how you'll like to have a cottage as your dream house so I've bought it for you as a thank you for everything gift."

"You don't have to do so, Adrian! I don't need it."

"Please accept it, Mum. I want to pay you back for all the times you've taken care of me somehow."

"But this is too much! It must have cost a bomb!"

"Don't worry Mum. Dad has left me a will that if anything is to happen to him, I'll inherit all his things."

"But he's not dead..."

"That's the thing. He did not state what it meant by if something ever happens to him so the lawyer came to find me to sign some files as they've estimated that he'll not be of sound mind by the time he comes out of jail and wouldn't like to wash their hands off his case. So now... the house and his assets are mine?"

"What will happen to the house back there though?" I questioned curiously making him shrug nonchalantly.

"I'll be selling it. We don't need such a big house filled with unpleasant memories." True but... what about his dad? Although I hate him, he's still Adrian's dad nonetheless.

"What about your dad though? Where will he stay when he comes out? He's still your dad after all." He looked at me with soft eyes before sighing lightly.

"I'll buy a studio apartment for him. Don't worry. You're seriously too kind-hearted, my love."

"I can't help it...." Mumbling under my breath, he ruffled my hair lightly before asking Trish to take a look inside the house to see if she likes it.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now