Chapter 48

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Ryan's POV:

"Black? Nah... Blue? Not. Um... how about white?" She scrutinised me from head to toe before beaming widely in delight.

"I don't mind any colour." I repeated myself with a sigh for the fifth time, while she finally made her final decision. I stood by Joseph's side as he stared at us with an amused look on his face as he watched Catherine dash around the store eagerly like she's the one getting married.

"White it is then." She chirped energetically before scanning through the racks of suits, throwing at least 20 of them out randomly into Joseph's arms. "Try them."

"Aren't they the same?" They're only slightly different with their colours. Some have black outlines while others have blue or red ones. I don't really see how they're different to be honest.

"Obviously not. Their colours, styles, texture,cutting and sizes are all different! Like this two suits for example. Can't you see their difference?" She questioned alarmed as she held up two identical suits in her hands.

"Um...yeah..." I eyed Joseph for help but he looked away quickly, pretending to have not heard or seen anything.

"Told you so. Now go and change. We'll go to shops after shops until you've found the right one." She said with a wide beam before pushing me into the changing room with the first piece. Sigh...I wonder how long will all of this take.


"What do ya'll want to eat? I'll order." Joseph said generously once we've entered the fast-food chain.

"I'll get a fish burger, a medium ice lemon tea, a 6 piece nuggets and a corn cup." Catherine named her order swiftly as if she is used to ordering them.

"Okay. Ryan?"

"Um...can I have a fish burger without tartar sauce and a salad without any sauces? Thanks."

"Sure. Damn... You're one health-conscious kid."

"I just don't like sauces... They overpower the actual flavour of the food."

"I see. Okay, anything else?" Shaking our heads at his question, he nodded lightly before walking to the counter which surprisingly had no queue at all.

Without waiting for long, Joseph came back with two trays of food in his hands as he balanced them skillfully. Perks of being a baker huh. Their large metal trays weigh a ton.

"Here ya'll go." He set down the tray gently before distributing our food to us while he place one of the tray with 6 burgers on it in front of him. 4 chicken and 2 fish. Is he really eating all those? Can he even finish them?

Before I can even ask, Catherine spoke up first as she eyed his tray weirdly. "6 today? Not 8?" She asked curiously yet normally like eating 8 burgers is a normal thing!

Eight?! I'll puke if I eat more than 3. It's too much!

"I thought of getting a slice of pizza later so ya." He shrugged nonchalantly before digging into his first burger. How does he and Adrian eat so much and unhealthily yet not put on any weight?! I'll kill to have those genes.

"No wonder..."

"So...when's your turn, Catherine?" Joseph asked casually as she raised a brow at him confused. "Getting married."

"Why don't you ask your cousin?"

"He doesn't have the balls to do so. I know that he wants to ask you but being someone as ball-less as him, he wouldn't pop the question."

"So are you suggesting for me to ask him first?"

"Yeah. Why not? It doesn't have to always be the guys who proposes first right?" His words makes sense.

"True... I'll think about it." Speaking of proposing... I don't think that he himself is in any relationships right?

"Joseph, sorry to pry but are you in a relationship?"

"No worries and nope! Proudly single."

"You're not going to find someone?" Catherine questioned as he waved her away without care.

"Nah. I enjoy my bachelor life. Think about it. I don't have to worry about birthday gifts, anniversaries and special occasions, whether I spend the enough time with him or her, whether the other person will enjoy a particular restaurant, movie, gift or activity when we go out together. Most importantly, I have all the freedom I want and I don't have to worry about anyone's safety or well-being. Sounds good right?" Uh-huh...

Being single and getting married have each their own pros and cons so I won't comment much about it. I'll support his decision nonetheless.

"I see...if you ever change your mind, call me. I'll be there to help you." She volunteered willingly as he scrunched his face up with a face that screams 'No thank you".

"No thanks. I don't want to suffer like Ryan." He joked lightly as she sent a smack to his arm, making him drop his burger onto his tray. Thankfully it did not open up.

"Shut up you jerk." She hissed at him as he rolled his eyes.

"You're than the jerk. You made me drop my burger." He pouted at her before picking up his burger before munching on it once again.

"Whatever. I'm done. You guys stay here. I have to grab some things from a shop." Catherine announced, cleaning her mouth before walking to a shop not far from where we're eating. It's called the...'Rubber Bliss'? I wonder what erasers she's going to buy.

"What do you think she's buying?" I asked Joseph who has a slight tint of red on his cheeks. Did he catch a cold?

"P-Probably some erasers or rubber tools..." Cool. I should see if I can find any rudder spatulas or silicone baking trays. They make baking easier.

"I see... I should go and check it out-"

"Don't!" He exclaimed suddenly, scaring me a little.

"Why not?"

"The things there....they're dirty." Dirty...then I better don't. I don't need Adrian or Trish to have a stomach ache.

"Oh..." Then why would she buy things from there if there's a supermarket downstairs? I bet the things there are cleaner. "She should have just gone to the supermarket." Hopefully neither Joseph or Leon will have diarrhea after eating her food. That's if she uses any kitchen equipments from that shop.

"I don't think she'll find what she wants in there..." He murmured under his breath as he focused on eating his fourth burger.

I wonder why not...rubber equipments are easily found in supermarkets...oh well.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now