Chapter 34

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Long chapter ahead. Please proceed after careful consideration XD

Adrian's POV:

"So I believe that we've come to an agreement?" He questioned eagerly as his hand itched to sign on the documents.

"Yes, Mr Creed (read as Greed)."

"Great. I'll be looking forwards to working with you, Mr Black."

"Likewise." Shaking his hand firmly, he grinned satisfied as his secretary helped to pack up his documents.

"I'll be taking my leave then. Have a nice day."

"You too." Closing the door behind him as he exited, I let out a long sigh of relief before sinking down onto the couch. I can finally go back to Ryan. He hasn't been picking up my calls for the past two days so I'm a little worried.

He could have set his phone on silent so as to not let anyone disturb him during his work but he should call me back at least when he's taking his break... Oh well, I should pack up and book the earliest flight back. I can't wait to see Ryan again after so long.

Keeping my documents neatly, I packed them into my suitcase before walking down the streets, my eye catching sight of a neat shop selling rows of rings. Rings huh...maybe it should be time for me to give Ryan my promise to him. I wonder how he'll react. But I wonder which type will he like...I've never bought any important gifts before so I'm clueless in such cases. Maybe I should ask Catherine for some pointers?

Entering a cozy eatery not far from the shop, I ordered my meal swiftly before finding a place to take out my laptop to purchase a plane ticket for a flight back home by tonight and send an email to my dad to inform him that the meeting went well. I then dialed in Catherine's number as I waited patiently for her to pick up her phone.


"Hi Adrian. Why are you calling me today?"

"I need your help on something."


"I'm planning to give Ryan my promise for eternity-"

"Stoppp! I get it! You want my opinions on what type of promise ring may suit Ryan. Right?"

"That's it."

"I knew it! Do you want opinions on the colour or type?"

"Both if possible?"

"In that case...he seems like not those type of people who like flashy things so maybe a simple band will do. Colour wise....I think brown may suit him best. He's friendly, dependable, approachable and manly, not to forget." For some reason, I felt like I just got insulted indirectly.

"I see..."

"He also gives off the vibes of someone who you can turn to in times of need, someone's who is peaceful and let's anyone feel that they fit in and belong to his group of friends, just like the colour brown which is the color of the Earth that is comforting and nurturing. Well, at least that's what I think. It's up to you actually. You know Ryan much better than I do."

"Thanks a lot, Catherine. I think I know what to get for him already."

"Glad to help. In return, invite us to it. I want to see his reactions. Maybe film it down and show it to him next time when he's least expecting it."

"Sure. I'll tell you the info when the time comes."

"I have to go now, Leon's waiting. Bye bye."

"Bye. Thanks a lot by the way."

"No probs." Hanging up, I dug into my food which was served not long ago in the middle of the conversation. It's good but...I prefer Mum's and Ryan's cooking better. I can't wait to see them again. I miss them so much even though I've only been away for a less than a week. I should try calling Ryan again later...hopefully he answers this time.

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