ch 10

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Ahmed pov:
Today our exams are ending and I was too happy for it cause I thought I would go to Naila's house and in my best behaviour I would ask her hand in marriage but,the infromation saud gave me of her marrying her cousin made my blood boil!
I was so mad that THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIED!!!
and nobody would take her away from me!I am so furiouse that I want to kill her whole family whome I have held captative in my farm house and now my princess is in my arms unconciouse and I am taking her their to make her MINE.
I know she will hate me for this but I am left with no choice,I cant let go of her who have made her place in my heart.I love her and I will make her love me.I will protect her,love her, adore her,
Cherish her she will smile because of me and I will give her every single thing she wants.

"Sir girls parents are yelling and going out of controll"

"Controll them! I want them to fear me and book their flight of Karachi for tomoroww midnight,right after my Nikkah"

"Yes sir! anything else?"

"Yeah ask Hira to come at my place imediately,She has to design our wedding dress"

"Yes sir!"
With that I hung up.Hira is a good friend of mine,She ows a botiuqe and is a great fashion designer.I cant wait for tomoroww, when my princess will be only mine and I will have my own family.I love her more than anything, I just want to fast forward the time till we are alone in our bedroom.I wonder how her hair would be or that her lips would be that soft or not.Her beautifull eyes I am looking at her,her face is so angelic,her pointed nose, pink lips, curled eye lashes and her skin is so soft......
Princess tomoroww is gonna be hard for you.
Naila pov:
Ya Allah! My head hurts,where is mama and why is my bed so hard...
I saw my surrounding I was in a room which had blue walls and the bed I was on is the most expensive bed in Lahore,my father told me that he was going to gift it to me on my birthday,but where am I?

"Good to see your awake,princess" I heard a masculine voice,I looked and saw........

"Where am I?and what are you doing here? And why am I here?" I snaped at him.
He sat on my bed and looked straight in my eyes,then he noded towards a man standing near the door,who opened it and there my parents were dragged by two buff mans.

"You see ,I love you and I know you wont marry me easily so,here I have your family all of them and I can kill them in just a snap of my fingers and all of your fathers buisness would be destroyed and I still would have you and I will do whatever I want with you illegaly

But if you will marry me tomoroww I will sent your whole family to Karachi and nobody will be hurt so,the decisions yours"
I looked at him wide eye and tears dripping from my eyes my breath becoming uneven,then I looked at my parents who were badly beaten and my fathers eyes were telling me to say yes to him.....O God

"Ok I will marry you"

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