ch 13

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^^pic of Ahmads mansion
Naila pov:
"YaAllah I am famished,I dont think I can eat anything for3 to 4 days"

"Yeah and it was so greasy and heavy"

"I feel like vomiting"
Last one was said from Zoya. We were sitting in one room of the farmhouse  and were listing  the bad qualities of the food.

''I am getting bored, I dont even have my novels here and the house in which I am living just have maids who are not allowed to talk that all I do is look at the plain white walls...I mean no colour a life without very boring" Annie complained while making herself comfertable on the bed.

"Same here. He will leave me alone in the morning with maids working as a robot.  Then he will come back and would made me do things Ineverthought I'll do and in the meantime creepily stare at me......if only I could slap him"
zoya said agreeing with Annie.
"They also dont pray and there is no Quran in the whole house, they arent good mùslims"
Ò GOD!!!
"this isnt good at all"
I said taking in the whole infromation.
We stayed quit for a few momsent lost in our own troubling thoughts untill zoya said

"Lets watch tv"

Ahmad pov:

"........our people are scattered all over Australlia and soon the gang of blacks would be defeated and australia willbe ours"
Asad explained me as we were walking towards the room in which girls were sitting.
I dont know why but all of a sudden they had started laughing at the table.
The voice of her laugher was like music to my ears.
She was looking so gorgeus today
GOD....I LOVE HER......
We heard a scream and ran towards the room. Who dare hurt them in my farmhouse. I opened the door and pointed the gun but what I saw was unbelieveable,it left mymouth ajar

Naila was beneath zoya and Annie was on top of them and they were trying to snatch the remote from Naila my princess.
Annie quikly stoodup then followed Zoya and atlast my princess.
They were crismon red and completely embarrased.
Suddenly my two bestfreinds started laughing so hard that th sat on the floor.Naila was glaring her two friends so hard as if want to bury them deep underground.
"Okay enough its time to go home" I said, they both stood up and took their wives hands and led them  outside
Now it was only me and my princess. I lightly grabbed her chin and made her look up. I stared at her pink lips which were screaming for me to claim them.
I moved my face close to her and.......
I stepped back and look at her she was looking at me with fear and stepped back.
"Seriously! You are my WIFE, stop pushing me away!"
I said completely frustrated.
She sat down her head hung low and tears were trailing down her cheeks.
I sat down and looked in her eyes.
"Why are you crying?"
She shooked her head and cleaned her tears and looked away.
"Lets go"
Nailas pov:

The whole car ride was silent. His eyes were set on the road and the song of yoyohoney singh was on. He had put  my hand on his lap. When I tried to remove it he gave me a glare that meant Doit and I will Kill you.
I really hated it whenever he will try to kiss me so, I would stop him and he hated that. He doesnt know me I have never be yelled on and I didnt even knew the meaning of real tears before.
I miss you..mama...baba....
"We are here"
I opened my eyes and saw a huge mansion infront of me there was a swimming pool and a huge garden with differenet flowers like rose,sunflower , lily , sandle and many more.

Inside was even more beautifull. There were giant titanic stairs whivh we climbed and then a huge hallway in the end there was a room which he opened and I was astonished

The room was black and white. The kigsize bed was in the middle of 4he room alittle left was another room which led into a walk in wardrobe.
He called me there. There were alot of clothes,shoes,accesories and etc....
"Do you like it?"he quistioned looking straight in
my eyes.
I nodded cause I couldnt found my voice. He gaveme a small smile and pecked my forehead.
He went in the bathroom while  I sat on the bed thinking about everything and I dont know when I drifted of to sleep thinking about life and my strugles and my parents and my ....... jerk, Ahmed......

Her Beast His BeautyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora