Dammit, I love you. Wayne.

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Today was the day I was going tl do it. I'm going to capture the boy-blunder as my uncle calls him. The ol' whack-a-doo him self, Joker.

I'm Y/n. That is who I am and I am proud. I'm also known 'Trade'. The chick who can get what you want and or need. I have my connections. That's how I'll get him, Robin of course.

I got his personal info. I'll use it against him. Damian Wayne, 17 years old. Resides in the Wayne Manor this week. Me and him are the best of friends, since 3 years ago. It's been my fathers plan for me and him to be close. It worked. I'm hood company, the guys in my head say so. Damian said that too, but why does his opinion matter?

Ah-ha! Anyways- where was I? Something about eating a tub of ice-cream? Ya, that sounds right...

OKAY! Ya- let me get on with the plan. So first- ya nope, not doing this.... Imma just show ya.


"Master Damian, miss Napier is here." Alfred called out into the manor.

Theh don't know my dad's real name so, I can do whatever I please with it.

I smiled and stepped into the comfortable warm atmosphere. I slid off my jacket, which Alfred gladly took, and walked into the foyer. I threw my bag infront of the couches near a glass coffe table.

I sat on one of the leather love seats and got comfortable. I looked up to the steps and see Damian sliding down the railing like a child.

"DEMON-SPAWN TOOK MY SAIS!" A familiar voice yelled from upstairs.

"THEY WERE MINE- DICK!" Damian retorted. He was talkimg to Dick, but I believe he was calling him A dick.

I chuckled at his foolishness. He gave a slight smile and jumped onto my legs that were sprawled across the couch.

"Ready for tonight?" He whispered for me to hear.

"Bring it on, big boy." I spoke in the same tone.


"Oh- Damian- p-please! Don't!" I groaned as I tussled my body in fear and pain.

"No! Y/n- you deserve this- ooooh!"
He pulled his body back trying to make a difference when his character was about to drive off the edge of rainbow road.

"Ah-ah! You fell! I'M IN FIRST!" I jumped to my feet on the couch laughing like a maniac.

"No! I was so-  auhg!" Damian whined. He was in so much embarrassed pain he could only make sounds.

I fell not do gracefully when I passed the finish line, and landed ontop of Damian.

He tossed his controller onto the neareat couch and looked down at me. I saw his gaze and sat up as quickly as possible.

"Dame- NO!" I soon as I stood my sides were attacked my Damians hands. He pulled me onto his lap and shot his hands to my knee caps, pinching in the weak spots. I shrieked with laughter and pain.

"No- Dami! Please-" I choked out in a fit of laughter. He stopped a bit to get a better grip but I attacked his weak spot... his thighs.

He once told me that if I ever wanted him to stop, rub his thighs. He becomes uncomfortable and freezes, and it's hilarious.

I grabbed his inner thigh, close to his crotch. His body froze. His face flush red along with mine. I smirked and push Damian to the couch, pinning him.

His eyes widen and he looked a bit afraid. Something I'm going to get used to.

I immediately dropped my grin and replaced it with a fake- embarrassed/sorrow expression.

"I- s-sorry.." I stuttered out and released his hands. I didn't realize I was legitmently straddling him. My cheeks flared red. I pulled my arms to my chest and begin to move off.

"Wait-" He whipsered.

Got em.

He grabbed my wrists which I held close to mu body, and pulled me towards him. He pressed my lips to his.


I tilted my head a bit to deepen the kiss. When I pulled away, Dami let out a small whimper. I giggled and bit my lip.

I jump off of him and grab my bag. I head to his room. He follows.
When he enters his room, I motion him to his bed.

"We are doing the once, because I'll never do this again. I promise you Damian Wayne." I look into his eyes and smile. He looks at me confused.

I pull out some hand cuffs and a blindfold.

"I should have done this a while ago. Dami." I chuckled.

He nodded a bit and head to the bed.

I love my lipstick. Ivy gave it to me for my birthday. 'One kiss witb this and the boy will be come your miss.' Were her words I believe. It was made from one of her plants. I guess it was some time of trance spell I put on 'em.

I like it.

I waltz over to him and crawled ontop of him. I cuffed his hands to tbe bedpost. I traced my hands down his legs, then tied his feet to the bedpost at the end of the bed. I got up an locked the door. I then shook my head and dropped the act. I went to my bag and grabbed a cloth and duct-tape. I walked over to Wayne and smirked. He looked at me calmly for a minute then his expression turned cold. I guess he saw my crazy eye. When he opened his mouth to speak, I shoved the cloth in his mouth. I then quickly covered his with multiple layers of tape.

"I thought ya'd be smarta' bird boy," I whipsered into his ear, "I guess Batsy didn't train you for this." I kissed below his ear, gently. I bit his earlobe softly and pulled away.

He struggled against his bonds. He spoke but everything was muffled. I ripped everything off of him except his underwear. I can't let him be traced. I then got a device from my backpack and scanned his body for implanted trackers.



I grabbed my first-aid kit from my bag and got out my scalpel, and some medical disinfectant. I went up to his lower left arm, and without hesitation, cut into his arm. I heard him grunt in pain and saw him wince. My smile grew. I got out my tweasers and pulled out the tracker. I smirked and cleaned up his wound.

"Now, now," I pressed a button in my communicator,"My daddy will be here soon to pick us up. You said ya wanted to meet him, didnt ya?" I chuckled. I stuffed my things into my bag. I took another cloth and what is left of my chloroform, and doused the cloth.

I turned to Dami and saw something unexpected.

He was crying.

I froze a bit. He never cried. Why is he doing that?! He shouldn't cry! He is Robin for Gotham's sake!
I skipped over to him. I placed my hand on his cheek gently, he flinched at my touch. I pulled my hand back a bit. I looked over to the door... "I could let you go. I could be thrown into Arkham with my dad. I could give you the freedom you need." I stuttered out some. I faced the window. "I could make my dad notice me for once.  Show him I'm useful. Not just as a punching bag..." I took a heavy gulp.

I look at his pleading eyes.

I looked at the cloth that could ruin my life, no matter what I do.

I looked to the ground, "I'm sorry Damian."










I Have A Thing For Birds. (Robins X Reader) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now