Nerds and Birds...Grayson

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"Tip-Typity-tipity-tappity, now we wait for the bat baby!" Joker cackled as his 'long lost daughter' (Me.)  finishes disarming the security systems in one of Gothams banks.

I took another sip of my coffee, aka cocoa cola, my eyes never leaving the screen. I closed my eyes and blocked every outside distraction. I imagined the outside of the bank and it surrounding area. I sense the bird closing in.

"He's almost here pops," I informed as I closed the laptop, watching Jokers men dashing and working in unison. Picking up bags and more bags of cash.

"How long?" Joker admires his handgun, slinging it arpund, aiming it walls.

"137 seconds, should be enough time to get the bags in the truck-" Joker cuts me off, finishing my sentence.

"-But not enough time to get the truck out. C'mon kids! Speed it up!" Joker pushes through a small crowed yelling at the henchmen to work faster.

I was on my way out of the building leaving no trace of myself. I left out the back door and cut through an alley way to get to the other side of the street.

I caught a passing cab, waving them down. As I opened the door I glanced back to the back of the bank. I saw the silhouette figure, Nightwing. I watched as he dropped down into the air ducts on the roof, the next moment gunfire, then the next silence.

By that time I was in the cab which had taken off.


"Then he was like- HIYAH! CACHAW! POW!" My friend, Mikey, stood up abruptly, poorly copying fighting moves. He falls on his ass as he jumps and spins his leg in the air, causing me, Dick, Angelia, Derek, and Daniel, to laugh.

"Mikey, I don't think Batman fights like that," Angelina giggles as she helps him up.

"Well, it's something like that!" He argues his face flushing red with embarrassment.

It was our free period and we were chilling in the library, which was frankly, really big.

"Did you guys hear about the bank robbery last night?" Derek suddenly brought up as we calmed down.

"Yeah, rumor has it that Nightwing got shot 4 times! He never gets hit by anything!" Daniel chirped in.

I held my breath and decided not to say anything. I looked over to Grayson, Dick Grayson that is, who had his hand on his abdomen with his head down.

I closed my eyes and blocked the noises and interactions. I focused onto Dick, imagining him only.

I see him sitting down. Four black-purple spots rest on his abdomen. Gunshot wounds. 9x19mm bullet. A Glock 17. Multiple scars and bruises, being highlighted in red and some navy blues, scattered across his body.


My eyes shoot open- wait.. why am I laying down?

"(N/N) what the hell was that?" Derek helps me up onto the couch I was previously sitting on, taking a spot next to me.

"I don't know.. what happened?" I question, rubbing my now slightly aching head.

"You were just sitting there then you kind of just, fell over. You started shaking a bit," He ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm fine.. I'm just.. tired," I lie, somewhat smoothly.

He nods and stands up as the Bell rings, signalling for 4th block.


I sit up late on top of Wayne Enterprises building. Don't ask how I got here.

I close my laptop and wait for Bird man to receive the distress signal I sent. I went up to the edge of the building and stood near the large drop looking down.

Not even 2 minutes later I hear someone behind me.

"Glad you could make it," I said, shoving my hands into my sweater pockets.

"Listen, (Y/N), it's (Y/N), right? You don't have to do this-" He gestures his hands in front of him, reaching out to me.

"Save your breath," I cut him off, "I'm not jumping, Dickinson," I say hopping off the edge and walk towards him,"Just wanted to do this," I say as I introduce my open palm to the right side of his face.

He grabs the side of his face in pure shock. With his other hand I can tell he reached for his communicator on his hip, mostly likely calling for a little help.

"What did you just say?" He snaps taking a step towards me. His skin tight outfit, outlining his muscled arms. But, I am not fazed. Instead I shove my hands into my pocket and pressed a button on the controller to make all signals, within a 100 mile radius, cut off. No signal, no Bat.

"Graystone, I know it's you. And I know you know who I really am," I say as I poke his abdomen, making him smack my hand away and wince.

His eyes widen as I take another step towards him. Getting into his face.

"That's why Batman isn't here yet to help you. All signal of you is lost. You tried contacting him as soon as I said 'Dickinson'. That's also why you are feeling really sleepy," I finish smiling.

"What, I'm not sleep--" He was cut off short as a small dart came to contact with his neck. His hand goes to his neck and pulls out the dart. In the most clichè way possible, he turns back to me with one of the most saddest-

Most angered-


Most heartbroken look in his eyes.

He then falls unconscious to the ground.

I watch as he hits the ground. I look to my right to see the henchman come out of his hiding spot. He made is over across the rooftop and picked up Nightwings limp body.

"To the boss?" He questions.

"To Mr. J," I huff, starting to have a little bit of regret.

I Have A Thing For Birds. (Robins X Reader) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now