Get out.... Drake pt2

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The moment most of you have been waiting for...

Another motherflubbing chapter.


There was nothing.

Granted there was something, there was still nothing. And the empty white scene with a solid, piercing, continuously annoying whistle in my ears that doesn't seem to stop for what sounds like hours.

I blink until I see flashing lights. I cough until I can breathe. I spit until the taste of blood is out of my mouth. I try to move until I feel my flesh tear a little bit more. I could feel a piece of metal digging into my thigh and into my knee. Every move I make the pain only grows.

I listen for sirens, but I only hear a car horn beeping constantly. I could hear a roar of flames and smell gasoline. I could feel the panic rise in me. I scream for help but only more blood comes out.

I cough for help, hoping the painful and obnoxiously loud noise gets someone's attention. Finding incredibly hard to make any noise with my mouth I use a free hand to grab a piece of glass and throw it out a shattered window trying to let them know that I'm still fighting for my life.

Distant chatter and yelling begin to rise, as well as the smoke.

"There is someone in there!"

"Someone call the police!"

"What happened!? Who got hit."


The police sirens came first as they were chasing down the suspect who robbed a nearby bank.

The car was flipped over and (Y/N) was still trapped inside. It was a horrifying image to come across. Immediate back up came to the scene and medical assistance arrived. The fire department was having trouble getting through traffic and time was running out. The flames from the suspect's cars engine were spreading quickly.

Officers held back a crowd of onlookers who recorded the whole ordeal on their phones.


Tims POV (as (Y/N) leaves manor)

How dare she.

How dare she say that to me!

I do love her! I love my family and my friends! I'm just busy doing my work! I have to figure out where these physcos went! They've left a perfect trail for me to track them down!

A few days of studying and non-stop tracking isn't as bad you think! Just because I haven't talked to anyone, eaten anything or argued with Damian recently doesn't mean- shiii...


Coming to realisation Tim stands up with haste and runs outside his door. He flies by his dad and runs outside the manor doors only to see the love of his life drive away.

He slams his fist into his bedroom wall out of frustration. He yells at himself and starts to throw things. He tears the bed sheets off his bed and throws them to the ground. Then he attacks his paperwork, crumbling it up and throwing it all into the trash. He tears down his curtains, breaking down the rod as well.

He reaches for his utility belt and starts to angrily throw shurikens and small knives at his walls. Releasing all the anger and self-hatred for himself by screaming profanities.

Soon enough, Tim finds himself sliding down his wall with his head in his hands. His emotions take over as he sinks down to his knees and cries quietly to himself. He whispers apologies over and over. His hands gripped tightly in his hair as a sob escapes him. He cants help but feels like a piece of crap for the way he has been acting.

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