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His feet were aching. His head pounded from crying. Sans' plan now was to go home, get drunk, and stay that way for however long he was alive. He turned around to look at whatever interruption had come up. Nothing was there.

"Wow. You're on the ball, today." The voice giggled from behind him again. Sans' patience was about spent. He turned around to see a small yellow flower bouncing on it's stem.

"what do you want?" The sickly sweet smile on the unnatural face was enough to make Sans take a step back.

"I've been watching you. I'll be honest. When I saw you standing in Chara's way, I never thought you'd be much of a challenge for her." Sans glowered at this fucking flower who insulted him in such an upbeat way. The thing looked creepy. Just plain creepy. The way it smiled, the way it spoke. "It turns out you're not as useless as I thought!" 

Yup. That was it. Sans didn't have to stand here and listen to this shit. He shoved his hands in his pockets forcefully, and walked past the flower. He wasn't in the mood to deal with it. He stopped short when he felt a tug on his ankle. Looking down, he saw a sharp vine wrapping tightly around his tibia. He looked around for the damn flower, and growled when he saw him right in his path again.

"You must not have understood, friend. I wasn't done talking." The flower smiled up at Sans as if he hadn't been effectively holding the skeleton in place.

"fuck off" Sans spat. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and turned the Flower blue. Instead of falling to the ground, it disappeared under the ground. Sans' magic dissipated. The vine was still wrapped around his leg, so he looked around for the owner. It surprised him when he was suddenly turned upside down, hanging midair by the vine which had now grown considerably. He was only inches above the ground, but it was enough to make him thoroughly pissed.

The bright yellow flower popped up right in his face. "You really think I'm scared of you? Just because you killed one measly human?" It's face contorted into a wicked grin. It's eyes became wide circles of creep. The smile didn't even fit on it's face anymore. "I've killed you thousands of times! What could once more hurt?" 

Sans was ashamed at the lightness his soul felt at the thought of being killed. He was almost eager for it. He decided to focus on the matter at hand. He summoned an attack. The flower was no idiot, he dodged easily, but that wasn't Sans' goal. He braced his hands against the ground just as the attack cut through the vine holding him. The look of surprise on the plant's face gave him satisfaction as he stood up.

"Pfft... You're serious? Do you want to die?" Just when he thought the smile couldn't be any more disturbing, teeth were added. "YOu ReAlly aRe An IdiOt!"

All Sans had to do was summon the power he had used to break the barrier. Honestly, he was somewhat worried about it. He hadn't felt anything all day. You'd think he would have noticed he had seven human souls in him, but there was absolutely nothing. 

He focused.

Nothing happened.

The weed giggled. "What are you even doing?" Sans glared at him. "You know, I don't think even I could have made you this upset. As many times as I killed Papyrus, you never turned out like this." He dodged the attack Sans threw at him with practiced ease. Sans had only seen one other who could dodge his first attack like that.

"you had reset power." His conclusion made the flower giggle more. 

"Very good, Sans!"

"how?" Finally. Finally, Sans could get some answers. He had been thrown into this Neverending loop completely by surprise, and now, here was someone who could tell him why.

"Who knows." Another giggle. Sans' eye flared. He was going to get answers. This shitty flower's resets had destroyed any hope he had had of happiness. "Oh please, Sans. You're not fooling me with the tough guy routine. Besides, isn't that Undyne's thing? You were always more likely to give up and run away than you were to fighting."

"shut up!" Sans threw another attack at the thing. More complex, and precise. He still couldn't access the souls, but his own magic could probably kill a weed at least.

It completely ignored the attack. At the last second, it burrowed into the ground appearing behind Sans. If the thing had a soul, Sans would be able to keep it from fleeing like that, but as it was, the flower fought dirty.

Sans whipped around, just barely seeing the flurry of bullets in time to dodge. That was a cheap shot. It took Sans a mere second to retaliate. Using his blue, he forced the flower towards the ceiling. The roots suspending it midair. That's where he focused his attack, relishing the look of shock on his foe's face.

A thick vine forced it's way out of the ground and took the brunt of the damage. Sans had put enough force in the attack to cut through the trunk of the vine, but the damage to the actual flower was minimal. He cursed under he
is breath.

"Golly! I haven't sustained this much damage in a long time!" The flower was fucking giggling again. "Looks like you killing Chara over and over really wasn't by chance." Before Sans could respond, he was surrounded by a ring of bullets. "I wasn't going to kill you," He was bouncing on his stem as if nothing exciting was going on. Like he had to entertain itself. "but you seem only too eager."

The ring got smaller. Ever so slightly getting closer to Sans. Staring at them, he realized with a flash how big of a jerk he had been. Pushing Alphys away when she had just lost the only person who she had spent a lot of time with, being mean to Asgore when it was obvious he just wanted to fix everything, leaving a child crying on a bench knowing he was the only other person who had come face to face with Chara.

Suddenly, he felt a strong desire to make things right. It was too late. The bullets tore through bone, magic, and soul. Sans last thought was a desperate realization that he wanted to live.

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