What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Chara

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Alphys looked equally as horrified when Sans walked into the lab. He knew where she kept her spare glasses, and grabbed them. The royal scientist was saying things. Chara was saying things. Sans didn't care. He grabbed the glasses and left.

Gerson was waiting for Sans outside. Sans walked right past. Gerson turned Sans around, saying something. Sans refused to let the words make sense.

Sans was forced to look at the worried expression on Gerson's face, though. He wondered if, on a normal occasion, it would have caused him to cave and give into what Gerson wanted. He was sure it would have, but now, he just didn't care.

Giving an empty laugh, he turned back around and kept walking. Gerson tried again, but Sans just shook him off. He was numb now. He needed to use this feeling to completely obliterate Chara.

He trudged through Snowdin in quiet. He half expected to see Monster Kid, but he had started over. The child was still at Waterfall, mourning Undyne's death.

Walking through the forest, he refused to note any traps. He couldn't think of Papyrus right now.

He got to the door at last. Not the door to the ruins. A hidden door. Gyftrot had lived in this cave, yet no one knew what the door was for. Sans did.

He hacked the door open. The dog who was normally asleep was gone. Sans didn't care. He looked at the code.

As always, this room had different code. He had come into this room on several occasions, and learned that it held all the workings of the universe in it. He was sure there would be a way to destroy Chara in here.

When he had first found this room, he had had no idea how to read the code. It worked differently from any other area of the world.

Normally, when he beheld an object, it would tell him its specific stats. Its uses, its point of origin, its break points. Food items and other special things had additional information, but always about the specific item. Only about that item.

Here, code didn't cling to items. It seemed to run freely, and in groups. Folders. Finding what he needed would be as easy as looking in the correct folders. Except it wasn't easy. There were hundreds of folders, and for some, Sans couldn't even understand why they were there. So many were empty, it seemed like a waste of space. 

"What is this place?" Chara asked. 

Sans ignored her and started looking. Something could help him. He knew it. He also knew Chara would be too interested in figuring out the new type of code, they wouldn't realize what he was doing until it was too late. Hopefully.

It had taken Sans hours, but finally, he found something. Folder location C:\Users\ColorfulNoodle\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Opening it up, He saw numbers and letters involved with different members of the universe, but the main thing, was the name Chara. It was in every single document in the code, so in order to destroy her completely, he had to obliterate the whole file. 

He knew it could potentially destroy the world, but the way things were going, he figured he could either destroy it now, or later. The only difference was the amount of suffering he would have to endure before the end.

He had learned about changing code a while before resets had started. He had only experimented a little. Code never lied, so changing it to make it false was dangerous. Obliterating it was something else entirely. Sans only knew of one group of coding that had ever been ripped entirely from the world. 


Sans' dad had fallen into the CORE. Even after most monsters died, their code was still on file, and could be accessed. Sans had searched for W. D. Gaster's code for years. The closest he had gotten were some in-code monsters around Hotland. Followers of some kind.

Sans headed for the CORE. If those monsters were right, being thrown into the CORE could potentially destroy your very existence. He used a shortcut to get there. He had learned from Gerson how to get from one end of the Underground to the other using shortcuts. If he had tried going the long way, Chara might have caught on.

"What are you doing?!?" Chara screamed. Sans didn't even hesitate. He threw the file into the CORE. On a whim, he jumped in after it. If the world be damned, so was he. If not, he preferred the black abyss of the void to the toils of living, anyways. He was lazy like that.

Chara, and all the codes associated with her, fell. Sans watched as the flames grew closer. His magic flared one last time as Chara tried to evade this death, and he watched the folder flutter down in front of him.

Sans would have loved to live longer. Watch Monster Kid grow up and join the Royal Guard, see Gerson retire in happiness, see Alphys and Asgore once more and just hang out, safely escort the monsters to their new houses on the surface.

He felt those dreams were all out of reach, yet something pulled him towards them. A primal instinct to survive. To succeed. A desire to love and be loved. Or just a longing for happiness.

Sans didn't want to die. He needed to, but he didn't want to. He knew this was the only way to stop the resets. Even this plan was a long shot. He needed to try, anyways. He needed to be Determined about it.

Sans watched the folder shatter into ones and zeros at the bottom. He didn't even make it that far before he felt the timelines pulling him back. Chara gave an ungodly scream. Then, everything went black.

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