Hey, a Two Day Vacation isn't so Bad

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Sans yawned as he walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. Papyrus was standing over the stove, stirring spaghetti sauce. A slight groan slipped between Sans teeth.

"Good morning, brother!" Papyrus seemed happy. "I made you something for breakfast!"

Sans was pouring coffee. "do we have to have spaghetti every morning?" It was as if Papyrus had no idea what normal breakfasts were supposed to be.

"What are you even complaining about? We had cinnamon bunnies yesterday." Sans glanced at Papyrus. How could his brother not remember Sans complaining about the spaghetti yesterday?

Maybe Sans had dreamed it all up. He wiped the counter as his toast popped up. There was no way he was eating what Papyrus cooked.

"Sans, get a plate!" Papyrus yelled as Sans headed for the living room with his breakfast. Sans gave a guilty grin and headed back to the cabinet. After a moment, Papyrus sighed. "Er... Sans?"

"Yeah, bro?" Sans had climbed onto the counter to get a plate from the top cabinet. Curse his short legs and arms.

"Can we uh... Hang out today, instead of you working on your project? Just this once?"

Sans put the plate down and jumped to the floor glancing at his brother. The 18 year old Skeleton was absently stirring his meal. He had asked the same exact thing yesterday in the same way, was he messing around?

Sans laughed. "Paps, i gotta work some time."

Papyrus sighed. "If you don't want to hang out, you can just say so, Brother." He put the spoon he had been stirring with on the counter.

"what? no, i..." Sans froze. Everything seemed off, as if all of a sudden a light had turned on. His brother looked sincerely hurt at Sans' remark. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and Sans could read the guy like an open book.

Papyrus was wearing the exact same outfit as yesterday. He went through phases where he would wear the same thing every day, but when he wasn't, the very idea of wearing the same clothes twice in a row was disturbing to him.

This seemed like a genius idea for a joke, but he wasn't one to play practical jokes. He definitely wasn't one to plan very far ahead. A scheme like this was completely out of character, and Papyrus thought stuff like this was stupid to begin with.

Then what had happened? Sans was sure this had happened before, right? Maybe... maybe it was deja vu? Maybe it was still a part of a dream. He could be in a coma or something.

"sorry, i'm not fully awake yet." He took to sipping his coffee instead of making eye contact. A sniffle from Papyrus brought his attention back. "bro?"

"I'm fine." Papyrus turned away. Sans came around to see Papyrus's face, but as soon as he came into view, the teen burst into tears.

"what's wrong? why are you crying, Papyrus?" Shit. Sans hurt his feelings. He felt awful. He tugged on his brother's hands, trying to coax him to talk to him.

"I don't know. I just wanted to play with you like before, but then you said that, and I guess I'm probably just annoying you. I'm sorry." He slipped his hands away from Sans' and hid his face in them, sobbing.

"Paps, n-no." Why was he so bad at comforting people? "i didn't mean it like that, i'm sorry." Hugging was a weird thing to Sans. Maybe because he was a skeleton, or the fact that he was short and wide. Point was, he never hugged. For a crying skelebro, he made an exception.

Papyrus hugged back, crying into Sans' jacket. As far as Sans could tell, his physical state and Papyrus's mental state were about the same. One hit and they were close to being completely destroyed.

Maybe Sans could take off work to hang out with his little brother for another day.


The couch was a lumpy, stained mess, but after the day the skeletons had had, they were glad for the small comfort it managed to give them.

Sans slipped off his sneakers, opting for the slippers beside the couch now that he was home.

Papyrus was scowling. "How can you stand wearing those grungy old sneakers, anyways?"

"they match my socks." Sans laughed at the disgusted look he got.

He laid his head back with a sigh. Things still seemed off. Not big things, but there were just small moments where Sans could tell exactly what would happen. He had decided not to tell Papyrus.

There was one thing he was waiting for. On rare occasions, Dogamy and Dogressa would go on a date night. It usually ended with them drunk, and they had even gotten the Royal Guard called on them a few times.

Last night, they had gotten drunk, and spent about half an hour howling at the top of the cavern. Eventually, Undyne had been called, and they were sent home.

If they were out there tonight, Sans had decided to talk to Alphys tomorrow. Somehow, he must have gone back in time, or something. Whatever had happened, he had to find out.

That was tomorrow. Tonight, he and his brother were going to rewatch Mettaton's fourth movie. He was going to relax. Forget about the work.

"i'm gonna get some ice cream." He jumped off the couch and headed for the kitchen.

His brother was dismayed to see him return with two spoons and a tub of chocolate ice cream. "Can't you put it in bowls, Sans?"

Sans glanced between the ice cream and Papyrus's annoyed expression. "why? we're family." As an afterthought he added, "and we don't even have saliva. you couldn't get germs from me even if you wanted to."

Papyrus crossed his arms. "It's the principal of the matter."

Sighing, Sans went back into the kitchen for bowls. As he put the ice cream away, he heard howling from outside. Yup. Date night two nights in a row was unheard of.

Sans pushed the thought to the back of his head. Tomorrow he would figure it out. He went back to the couch with the ice cream and got comfortable. He needed a break anyways.

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