Wasn't That a Great Fight?

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Sans woke up and stared at the crack in the ceiling. Gerson had killed him during training. Why? He hadn't even explained it. He had just told Sans to try and stay alive, and then attacked him. Sans hadn't even had the chance to attack once.

"How rude. He just up and killed you!" Chara was mocking him. He rolled out of bed and headed for the door. He had to ask Gerson why.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Sans. I didn't know you were up." Asgore was in the hallway.

"yeah. i gotta head out. Gerson is waiting." Sans pushed his hands into his pockets and looked away. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that Asgore had killed him. Asgore had judged him. It made him uncomfortable.

"Gerson? You're... you're joining the Royal Guard?"

Sans frowned at the wall. "yeah." Oops. He hadn't meant to tell Asgore that. Hopefully this wouldn't mess with his training too much for this timeline.

"Well, then you should go and meet with him." Asgore stood a little straighter. Sans nodded and left.


Asgore gave a sigh as soon as Sans closed the door. It looks as if he had been worried for nothing. Sans was working again. He had even joined the Royal Guard.

He called Alphys. "Yes, hello, Dr. Alphys. I just wanted to tell you, Sans is joining the Royal Guard, now."

"What? R-really??" There was shuffling on the other end of the phone. "Th-that's great! He must be moving on."

Asgore sighed. "That seems unlikely. Not from how he was yesterday." Sans had seemed like a different person this morning. Not entirely, but enough to notice.

"What do you think he's working for?" Alphys broke the silence Asgore hadn't even noticed.

"I'm not sure." Asgore could definitely tell the skeleton had a goal, and that was something he hadn't seen in a while. He wanted to know what his motivation was, but his promise to stay out of it made him steer clear.

He regretted his decision. Even now he had a knot in his stomach about Sans' change. He really didn't know what human souls did to a monster, but he was sure that was what had killed his son.

He had no proof for this, just a gut feeling. Absorbing the soul of something as powerful as a human seemed almost unnatural. Like it was something that never should have been thought up. Asgore felt like only disaster could follow.

"I'll keep an eye out for him. If he passes my lab, I'll talk to him." Asgore kept forgetting he was on the phone. Alphys was so quiet.

"Tell me what you find." Asgore thanked her and hung up. This still felt like a break in his promise, but he wanted to know everything would be okay.


Sans jumped when Alphys called out to him. He was surprised by how new everything was becoming. Wasn't the whole thing with resets the fact that most things were the same?

"Hey, uh.. h-hows it going, Sans?" She apparently had no plan for this conversation. Sans wondered what her goal was. She wasn't really one to make small talk.

"Alphys is my favorite. I never got a chance to kill her." Chara sighed as well as a voice without a body could. "I bet she's got great dialogue."

Sans flinched. Just how detached was Chara? They seemed normal most of the time, but then they would say something really dark like this and he would be reminded of what they had done.

He hadn't even realized he had forgotten they were the one to kill everyone. He had gotten used to the constant rambling in his head. He didn't really think about who's voice it was, it was just a voice.

He was definitely learning more about the killer. He knew already they were fucked up. He knew they got excited when there was something new. They had so much energy, too. Constantly talking, but they were smart, too. They could keep secrets.

"Sans?" He had forgotten about Alphys. She looked worried. Shit.

"sorry, i zoned out. what'd you say?" Sans scowled at the cave wall. He hated how much Chara distracted him. He would have scowled at them if he could have.

Alphys searched his face. "Are you okay?"

Sans frowned at her. "Al, i really don't have time for a long talk about my sorrows." He shoved his hands in his pockets, and turned to go to Gerson's cave.

"You don't have to run." Alphys broke in. "I know you're strong enough to make it." Sans turned to see Alphys was staring at the floor. She didn't seem to know what she was saying, but she was convinced she needed to say it. "Y-you can make Papyrus proud."

It would have hurt enough just to say that. The fact that she had looked him in the eye like that made it a critical hit. He immediately got choked up. The only thing he could think of was the fact that he had killed her not two days ago. What about that could Papyrus be proud of?

Sans didn't even attempt talking. He just nodded and left. If he had tried to talk, he was sure he would have cried.

"Awe, come on, Sans. You're not still sad about Papyrus, are you?"

"fuck you." His voice cracked. He put up his hood and cried.

How could they think he was over his brother's death? It hadn't even been a month in his recollection.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help."

Sans forced himself to keep going. The sooner he got to training, the sooner he could go home. He still had to know why Gerson killed him.

"Would you feel better if I apologized?"

Sans froze in front of Gerson's shop. His hands balled up into fists, he turned around and walked further towards Snowdin.

"Sans, I said I would apologize. Why are you walking away?" Chara had the edge of agitation in their voice.

"i don't want your fucking apology. you don't feel bad for it, you thought it was hilarious! so, ya know what, fuck you. fucking die, okay? i hate you! you're annoying, you're bossy, you talk all the fucking time, i'm fucking done. leave me the fuck alone."

Sans sat against the side of the cave and cried. He was too tired to go any further. Chara had the sense to keep quiet; he was grateful for the silence.

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