Dec 11th - Cedric - A Mother Calls

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Warning: In this chapter a grown man will reluctantly accept an invitation to brunch from his mother! Please refrain from reading if you feel uncomfortable with the topic! Oh, and there are two dudes being all sweet with each other around. Just so you know.

The constant buzz of his mobile somewhere in the room roused Cedric from a deep sleep.

It was dark outside, but with it being December that could mean a lot of things.

When he started to climb from the bed, a strong arm tightened around him, making it impossible to move one bit.

And his abdomen... Cedric was positive that he would feel his sore muscles for the next few hours.

Ian, mumbling nonsensical things into his ear that he guessed were meant to express his unwillingness to let go of Cedric, made him smile.

He was unable to remember when someone had ever been so sweet to him.

"I have to find my phone," he explained with a shy smile on his face.

"U-hu," Ian made, throwing a leg over Cedric, cuddling him close, burrowing his nose in Cedric's neck.

"But... what if it's something to do with my house?" Cedric asked, still amused, caressing Ian's hand on his tummy.

"Later" was the only word he was able to make out.

The smile lingered on Cedric's face while he bathed in the feeling of Ian's steady breathes against his skin and the weight of the arm around his midst.

Cedric had always longed for that easy camaraderie and tenderness in a partner, but never found it in the few attempts at relationships he made. He had always felt distant from the men he lived with and slept with. He attracted bossy tops with commitment issues. If he hadn't been cheated on or left himself, his desire to live out both sides of his verse preferences had ended things rather quickly.

And than he had landed in the arms of Ian, a man that was curious about sex and seemed in a frame of mind to try things and give a lot a chance before making his ways into a dogma Cedric had to accept if he wanted to stay around a little longer.

"You are thinking awfully hard, aren't you?" Ian chuckled, kissing the tender spot beneath Cedric's ear. "Come on, get your phone if that makes your brain quiet down."

He disentangled his limbs from Cedric's and gave him a friendly pat on the ass to make him move.

Cedric giggled. There was no other word for it.

Guys had grabbed his backside before, but it had been in bars and in a falsely appreciatively way that had always made him flinch.

But Ian's teasing brought out a playfulness in him he never knew he had.

When the screen lit up, he saw that it was 7.15 a.m. on a Sunday.

He wasn't able to roll his eyes when he saw his mothers number, because his phone started to vibrate again.

"Good Morning, mother," he said, suddenly very aware that he was buck naked.

A fast glance to the bed told him that Ian was laying on his back, arms behind his head and enjoying the view.

"Honey, Brandon and I thought that we could invite you over for brunch at 8.30," his mother started without a greeting. "It must be so horrible having to eat in a hotel after you lost Aunt Miriam's house."

Forgetting all about being embarrassed and the wonderful feelings of waking up with Ian around him, Cedric sank in on himself on the edge of the mattress at the foot end of the bed.

Aunty Miriam had been the only person on earth he ever felt had known and understood him. Losing his grand-aunt two years before hadn't been easy and inheriting her house had been only a little solace.

He felt her to be near when he wandered through the rooms she lived in for so long.

Not making a lot of changes, it had, in a way, still felt like he was a guest in her house and she was likely to come home any minute.

"It's very nice of you to think of me," he managed to say, hearing how stiff his own voice sounded but unable to change anything about it.

"Lovely. See you soon, honey!" his mother trilled not waiting for him to really accept the invitation.

"See you later," he said a bit woodenly and nearly jumped out of his skin when two strong arms caught him around the middle while his mother said something like 'toodles' on the other end.

"What happened?" Ian asked, kissing him behind his ear while they curled back under the covers.

"My mother just invited me to having brunch at 8.30," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

"Does she understand the concept?" Ian chuckled.

"I don't think so," Cedric sight, relishing in Ian's warmth for just one more minute.

"You have to get up soon?"

"Yes. It's not far from where I live, but I need to get there first and pick up my car." He sighed again, this time much more content because to cuddle with Ian didn't feel strange or uncomfortable but made him deliriously happy.

"I drive you to your car," Ian said with another kiss, this time to Cedric's cheek. "I need to go to the hospital to get my lungs checked."

After that they were silent for a while, just savoring the feeling of warmth and togetherness.

There was no way Cedric would be making it to his mother's place before nine.

Sorry, now normal life is picking up again :-)
Hope you enjoy anyway!
Have a great day, everyone :-D

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