Dec 16th - Ian - Christmas Shopping

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Two guys. Sooooo many emotions. Unexpected things happening! Including not so unexpected sex! Be warned!

"Are we really doing this?" Cedric asked a bit unsure, eying the pack with special duster pads a bit wary, as if it was an alien artifact.

"Yah, man, we are totally doing this!" Ian heaped more cleaning utensils in the huge bucket. "You said your mum hates cleaning and looks down on her cleaning lady that is adamant about bringer her own stuff. The plan is brilliant! You are such a devious mind."

After unloading into their shopping cart, he leaned over, giving Cedric a sweet peck on the lips. 

"Remind me to never get on your bad side," he then whispered with a bit more air then necessary into Ced's ear.

God, that shiver was so lovely, albeit scarcely perceptible for the untrained eye.

Ian's eye was trained indeed.

"I...," Ced started, looking into Ian's eyes and completely losing his train of thoughts.

It was impossible to resist another soft peck.

"Yeah, you," Ian said quietly against his lips in a grumbly voice.

"Please don't do this to me in a public place," Ced breathed.

"God, I want you go home so bad," Ian admitted, leaning his forehead against Cedric's.

"Me, too."

For a moment they stood there, forehead against forehead, struggling to compose themselves.

"And you will knock something over every time we go there, just so Danielle has to get all these... things?" Ced affirmed with a look over the colourful display in the cart.

"Sure," Ian grinned. "And I will get a hard on every time, thinking about you coming up with that stuff while you fucked me silly."

The last bit he more or less mouthed to Cedric.

"Oh for Christ's sake," Ced mumbled, turning furiously red.

It was one of Ian's favorite sex memories of Cedric, his inhibitions forgotten over driving home into Ian's willing heat, the muscular legs over his shoulders. Ian had been spouting revenge Christmas present fantasies all evening and Cedric totally got into it while they drove each other crazy.

Leaning forward on one outstretched arm, he had folded Ian effectively in half, hitting something he never reached before that made Ian see crazy colour sparks in his field of vision.

"We are going to buy her all the cleaning supplies we can find," he had panted while Ian mewled in a pitch that was so high it was thoroughly embarrassing if he had had the mind to even think about it.

And Ian had made the moaned out promise to knock things over to make her use them.

Cedric had wanted to go back on his plans after the endorphin high had ebbed.

Ian very much planned to stick with the plan.

"And you are going to buy that wine-tasting weekend for your dad?"

"Already did," Ian laughed. "And I bought only one ticket."

It was adorable to see Cedric's exasperated shake of the head.

"You are so going to love to see their faces when they open their gifts Christmas morning," he promised, pushing the card with maybe sixty bucks worth of cleaners, towels, gloves and sponges in the direction of the register.

"I might," Cedric admitted, but barely audible.

Later in the evening, Ian found Ced sitting shell shocked on the sofa, patting the puppy (still no name... Ian sighed. Fuzzy was cool. Or Blaze. God, in the end they would have to toss a coin or dices so something...) and staring holes into nothingness.

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