Dec 24th - Cedric - Mile High

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"I'm so bored."

Cedric didn't even give a sliver of his attention to Ian's complaints. This was going on for hours now.

They had been playing card games until Ian had decided that it was strip poker time.

Cedric had seen himself forced to veto that immediately.

They had played 'I spy' until Ian started to describe Cedric's penis every time it was his turn and they ended up in a huge discussion about what you were allowed to pick for describing in the first place.

Cedric had been of the opinion that only items you could actually see were up for picking.

Ian had argued that he could picture Cedric's dick so vividly that it counted in on the objects to choose from.

In the end Cedric had had to veto the game as well as the discussion because his penis shriveled away so much in mortification it actually scared him a bit.

That had led to a discussions of Ian giving first aid to Cedric's dick so Cedric had been forced to keep his hand over Ian's mouth for a minute or two until he could be sure about the topic being safely on ice for the time being.

"I'm still bored," Ian mentioned very politely, so it could be taken into account.

"Sleep. Watch a movie. Read a book!" Cedric was exasperated.

"What are you reading?"

"The last few quarterly reports from my new office," Cedric sighed. At least that was what he was trying.

"Read something to me," Ian demanded.

"You want me to read the reports to you?" Cedric asked a little stunned.

"No, of course not," Ian said in a voice that seemed to asked where the hell that question had come from.

"What do you want me to read?" Cedric asked, praying for patience. Good thing he loved that man so much, otherwise he would have asked him to take an exit from the plain right about now.

"I've got a book from Agatha Christie," Ian started, revealing at least five books in his backpack. "And two romance novels, the sixth Harry Potter and Terry Pratchett."

Cedric starred. Well. That wasn't exactly what he read when he had time. He didn't even remember when he last read a book. It had always been something work related.

"Why are there romance novels in your backpack?" Cedric got out, still too stunned for anything else than blurting out sentences.

"Because romance novels are great. They're like the University of Gay Sex's Manual For More Fun In Bed."

"None of these!" Cedric decided instantly, his ears heating in prophylaxis. Did Ian really think he would read something like that aloud?

"There are lots of story before they get it on," Ian told him with a not so subtle eyeroll. "The crime they are solving is pretty interesting too."

Cedric evaluated the cover. 'Cut and Run' was the title, no naked men in sight. So far, so good, but he wouldn't read it aloud because sooner or later they would get it on and they still had six hours of flight left. Chances we're good he got to the hot bits before landing. And if he started the story, Ian would somehow make him read these parts too. Cedric just new it.

"Terry Pratchett," he said to move Ian's focus away from the romance novels. He didn't want to read something about wizards, so Harry Potter was out and Agatha Christie made his heart ache because his aunt had loved those books.

A few pages into the book he understood that Terry Pratchett had been taking obviously hard drugs before writing one sentence. The story about a city called Ank-Mopork and the completely useless city guard was simply bonkers.

And the cast was made up from giants, dwarfs, orks, wizards, and everything else you would find in a fantasy novel.

Ian was snickering, chuckling and suppressing his laughter and after an hour Cedric caught himself grinning too. The hero that had to learn what a metaphor was, was amusing, he had to admit.

The rest of the flight was over in a blink while they traded the book back and forth. After a while, he realized that people in front and behind them were listening in on the story, grateful for the additional entertainment.

While they waited for the jam in the aisle to clear after landing, Ian gave author and title to a nice older lady and a young guy that looked like he was doing a campaign for the word 'twink'.

His name was Linus and he was staying in the same hotel they were staying, so he and Ian spend the whole journey there discussing their favorite fantasy novels.

When they started to ruin their new found friendship over the question about the origins of vampires, Cedric intervened with questions about where to eat.

At 5.15 pm they met in the lobby, freshly dressed and bleary eyed, hell bent on staying awake till 10 pm to soften the jet leg a bit.

Fuzzy was completely out of control after the flight, needing a walk desperately to get his head screwed on right again.

Ian and Linus found new energy while they showed Cedric the city.

His mind had serious problems with the fact, that he left winter and landed in summer. And that there were Christmas decorations while people were eating ice cream.

He was a feeling like following Alice down the rabbit hole.

"Guys, I need to get laid to sleep properly and get in tune with this time zone," Linus sighed in the cab back to the hotel. "I think I will try the bar two houses down the street."

Cedric looked into Ian's eyes. He was sure, Ian was thinking just the same think he was thinking.

"Like to join us?" he asked simply, letting his head roll over from facing Ian to looking into Linus' eyes on the headrest.

Linus' face lit up.


Cedric smiled up to the car roof of the taxi and closed his eyes.

Ian kissed his cheek.

Fuzzy snored on his lap.

Life was good.

Hey ladies and gents and all in-between, sorry, this was written on my phone and my internet is too slow for a pic.

Will change that later on my laptop!

Hope you all had a nice Boxing Day, or second Christmas Day or whatever it is called where you are from!

Cheers and laters,


Finally got around to adding a pic. Hope you are not too crushed by the chapter's title being a bit... on-leading :-)


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