Feb 14th - Cedric and Ian - Tungsten And Gold

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Cedric caught himself again drumming his fingers on his messenger bag, laying on the passenger seat of the car. More exactly he was drumming on the bulge in the front pocket, hiding a velvet box that, in turn, was hiding a ring made from tungsten, polished matt.

Maybe he was crazy, but he wished for nothing more than to call Ian his husband for all the world to know. He wanted to make sure that Ian would get everything in case something happened to him and he wanted the right to care for Ian, should something happen to his love.

They were in the middle of their good times and it was epic and more than Cedric had ever dared to dream of. The constant happiness didn't wake in him the wish to marry Ian but the intense longing to live these golden days with Ian to the fullest. It was his knowledge that there was always a chance for bad things to happen that made him feel desperate to join his life in all the ways with Ian's. He wanted to promise to be there in the bad times too, needed the security that no one could take him from Ian's side if Ian should ever lose his ability to express his wish for Cedric to be near.

One night he had woken up and had started to cry silently with the thought of being denied the right to hold Ian's hand to the very end. 

Ian had woken up too and had started to make slow and intense love to him, knowing with one glance that he had been unable to say one word about what he had dreamed but needed the reassurance of Ian's love.

Edging him again and again, Ian had quieted the helpless sadness and all the doubts flooding his brain, had taken away the sudden loneliness Cedric had been drowning in. Ian had given him the chance to let go and make use of his trust in Ian, making him feel their togetherness in giving the control to Ian, depending on him.

Long after they had both lost sight of the line behind them, marking what they were normally capable to endure of passion and lust before giving in to the need to come, Ian's movements ceased completely and he stared down into Cedric's eyes. They were both drenched in sweat, Ian nearly incapable of supporting the weight he took propping himself on his arms, Cedric clinging to him so hard his trembling translated into Ian's body.

Through exhaustion and need they were incapable of keeping anything from each other and while Cedric had understood the immeassurable vastness of Ian's love, the love of his life had in one fluid motion pulled his hips back and fucked him with one last, savage thrust that finally made the tension built up in him explode in all directions through his body, making his hearing fail and taking all control over his body from him, throwing him into a malestrom of an orgasm he would have feared hadn't Ian's eyes been the center of it all.

The next day Cedric had researched how to get the correct ring size for someone and made an appointment with a jeweller to buy a ring.


The hardest metal to be found on earth was what he decided on for his love. A broad band for the finger the ancient Greeks had believed were where the vein ended that came straight from the heart.

Inside the ring a gravur said from the flames now eternally burning

Cedric had told Ian once that he felt like the Phoenix from the flames, reborn in ashes when Ian found him, showing him how bright life could burn. He had long forgotten by then. 

Ian being Ian had grinned while hastily brushing away two tears, had kissed him silly and murmured "can I please make love to you?" in his ear.

Cedric smiled while parking the car on the curb. 

"Is that you, honeybuns?" Ian trilled from somewhere in the house when he shut the front door behind him. Cedric smiled. There had never been another human being making him smile so much. Oddly enough his face had never shown any signs of muscle aches beside changing from weekly walks to running marathon when it came to smiling since meeting his boys.

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