Dec 18th - Ian - Meet The Family

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Cool Great-grandmas, not so cool family and guys making out ahead. Think it through and then decide if you want to read on! I'm certainly won't take the blame if you can't get the pictures out of your head or feel offended :-)

There were like hundred people in the house.

Everything was loud and there were heaps of food and that was totally cool, at least in Ian's eyes.

What astonished him the most was, that Aunt Sarah and Uncle Vincent were there. So, not only his new stepmother had invited, his dad had his sister and her husband over, too. They were is closest friends. Ian hadn't seen them in years because he hadn't had made the regular trips with his dad to England and that Aunt Sarah and Uncle Vincent had been in Australia... that had been more than a decade ago.

"So, this is my lovely new stepson Ian," Danielle told a woman that looked exactly like her. "Ian, this is my sister Lydia."

Lydia's hug felt somehow inappropriate and she was flirting with him. Definitely. Ian very much would have liked to hide behind Cedric. But that man was trailing behind him, looking like this was his atonement for all his sins.

Ian was passed around like a shiny new toy and the way Danielle spoke about him made him feel thoroughly objectified. 

That woman earned every last of the sponges she was getting was a Christmas present.

"And are you bringing a lovely young lady into the family too?" Grandma Cunnings, her being actually Cedric's great-grandmother, asked him with a smile that showed of all the glory of her dentals.

"No, I had a few girlfriends, but at the moment I'm very happy with another man," Ian answered with a bright smile.

Danielle beside him seemingly got a load of her own spit down the wrong pipe and sputtered and coughed, getting all read in the face.

"Well, I had a girlfriend in the sixties" Grandma Cunnings sighed. "But she fell in love with a strapping navy officer. I was quite heartbroken over the matter until I met my Tony."

"Granny!" Danielle, Cedric's mother, gasped, looking utterly horrified.

Ian decided that Grandma Cunnings was the coolest guest in the house. And that she would have to stand in as his great-grandmother too.

"Did you know that my Cedric is gay?" Grandma Cunnings inquired further. "He never talks about it because I'm a bit brash for him. I think he needs a fried he can talk to since his Aunty Miriam died. They were thick as thieves."

"We talked a lot the last weeks. He is living with me since the fire," Ian told her amicably. 

"Well, maybe you can invite him to a threesome when your partner fancies such things," Grandma Cunnings said, patting Ian's hand. "I think he could use a bit of cheering up."

Cedric behind him seemed to have inherited his mothers tendency to suffocate on his own saliva. 

Ian burst out laughing.

"I will definitely ask them if they would fancy that," Ian snickered. That would be such an easy task, with his partner and Cedric being the same person and all. But the thought of a threesome with Cedric made something inside Ian's pants twitch with excitement.

The only question was if Cedric would be into something like that.

Then Danielle decided that it was time to divide him from that awesome old lady.

"Why didn't you tell me you were living with Ian?" Danielle asked her son, wriggling him out from behind her so she could steer them both around by their upper arms.

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