Jan 1st - Linus

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There were sparks in the air, red, and yellow, and blue, and green. It seemed as if they were right in front of his eyes.

He stood high above the city and the sea on a rock in the mountainside.

The new year was loud, and fire, and light.

For a moment he allowed the feeling that this was for him, New Zealand saying goodbye before he was going back home to Inverness.

Here, he had been granted to find that his preferences didn't make him weak, but that he could be powerful regardless. Two men with fierce hearts and strong spirits had let him feel like an emperor for a night. One loving because he trusted for love being in the world, the other one despite his doubt.


It was the first time he had smelled it on humans, one scent with two different top notes, a unit, strength, trust and so much love.

Even when his body was overwhelmed and exhausted, not enough left for him to keep his eyes open, they never gave him the feeling of being little, or the last in line, or something you use and discard.

He was bright and strong, beside his small build.

Somewhere around him, there maybe was a trace of Ian and Cedric.

If there was, he didn't catch it.

The last sparks of the main fireworks were bright and then gone, the taste of smoke thick in the air. Shifting his ears about, Linus ran up the hill, still giddy from the different feeling beneath his paws, all the alien noises around him and the taste of the air up here.

Everything was different.

From his home with his mother in Inverness.

From the... home with his father in Toronto.

With his mother he was Linus, the youngest, the one who needed a few more cuddles than the others, but the one with ideas and fantasy and his love for art.

In Toronto he was the Omega. The smallest. The one always losing fights, the one who had to deal with his place at the end of the hierarchy.

The one who was bitten and starved because he wasn't willing to accept it, not following the rules everybody snarled at him he smelled like.

He stretched himself far beyond the boundaries of his body on the last jump up a small rock to where his clothes were waiting, gracefully landing as a young man.

Loving his fur, he was always a little sad when he shifted, but the way his eyes took in the world agreed more with him as a human.

Both sides of the shift were great.

I am Linus, a wolf, a man, he thought.

No further thoughts of being an Omega.

Because he wasn't.

Linus Fairbanks liked to look at pictures and sculptures, liked to discuss what he saw and to sleep between warm furry bodies, his snout on his paws. Linus Fairbanks loved to draw, his limited faculties aside. Linus Fairbanks liked to top beside his curiosity about everything concerning sex and his joy of experimenting with bottoming and/or submission.

In Toronto he was told, that submission was his natural way of living.

But it wasn't and even if two men at the same time took him, he was able to feel like they were giving a gift to him, doing something for him.

With a skip in his step he started down the mountainside, on his way back to his hotel room.

Finally, he felt ready to face his future.

When he went down a street in the outskirts of town, the wolf in him was sure to feel two familiar hearts beating against each other in deep slumber, just like he had felt them the morning he disappeared from a hotel room he had shared for a night with Ced and Ian.

Did that make you curious?

Then you can look forward to 2018s Advent Calendar story "Addicted To The Alpha Werewolf Billionaire" coming Dec 1st with an installment every day until Christmas Day 2018!


#MPreg #boyxman #werewolf #alphaxomega #happyendings #hea #billionaire

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#MPreg #boyxman #werewolf #alphaxomega #happyendings #hea #billionaire

and last, but not least... #DRAMA!

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