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Cupid's are myths.
To humans in this century, they don't exist. Very few people have been open minded into thinking there could have been a possibility that they do exist. But as little evidence over the past years, they have become the thought that no one cares to think about.

I've wondered what it would be like if humans found out our existence.
Would they hurt us? Experiment on us? Would they pay us money, bribe us to make someone fall in love with them.

Imagine that.
Getting to choose who you want to fall in love with you.
The world would go mad, so much heartbreak.

Esma Poppy Yates. I narrowed all the names down to the correct person.

You know what I really feel like now? A delicious melt-in-your-mouth Lindt chocolate ball.
It's one of my favourites.

I shook the thought of chocolate out of my mind and went through the database to find matches all over the world.
Usually it takes a few seconds to locate matches, but this is taking a awfully long time.
Even after the matching process, it takes the data through another level of finding out the exact person among those people.

I frown at the computer. It does take a few days to actually find a match, but it shouldn't take long at the start of processing the database.
I shrugged it off and left the company processing.
I decided it was time to see how Esma was doing.

Taking the lift up to level 6, I swiped my hand over the sensor and the door unlocked immediately.

Esma had stumbled into sight, frowning at me. "How did you get in?"

"Well I'm registered under this unit, so I have the power to unlock it." I say looking around the compartment.
All the units look similar, calm blue walls, white furniture, a wide window for the excellent view.

"Your kidding? You can't just walk in here. Humans don't do that."

I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not human. I never was. So why are you expecting me to act like one?"

She looks at me silently, about to say something then shutting her mouth. Once a few seconds pass, she looks back at me.
"What if I was naked? Or in the bath? Or singing!?" She exclaimed.

"You say it like singing would be the worst for me to walk into." I tilt my head.
"Anyway, Isn't it a bit early for you to yell at me?" I ask.

"I'm not yelling..." She shifted her feet. "I'm just saying."

I made my way to sit on the chair near the window. "Well If you were naked? Lucky me. If you were in the bath? You'd hope there's bubbles. And if you were singing? Well, I'd like to hear that." I smirk.

She glares at me. Her hair is down today, resting above her hips. She wears the same clothes as yesterday which makes me hurry along.

"Anyway, we should get you back home to change into a fresh pair of clothes." I say getting up from my chair. I walk to the bathroom and bedroom having a quick look around.
"Looks like everything is still in place."

She crosses her arms. "You'd think I'd reck the place?" This time it's a normal tone. For once.

"Not intentionally." I say before walking back to the front door.

"Question." She says, following me. "Can anyone else take your place in this situation? I mean, it's not like you want to check up on me everyday anyway."

We walk to the elevator.
"Unfortunately no, but one day I'll make you laugh and smile Esma Yates. You just wait." I say smiling.

"Yeah, that won't happen." Esma laughs sarcastically.

Probably it won't. But it's least a try, I do have 29 days with her. I may as well make it worth the time.
I think she'd like me a bit more if I found her match. I can imagine her thanking me, and being so happy with her man.

I have tried to search up my match in the Cupid's System, but nothing has shown. Maybe it's someone from the human world?
Only the elite cupids can process a human and cupid match.

We reach the transportation unit. I look on my iMatch to register a pod. I get the number 5.
Esma looks around in awe, like she's leaving for the last time.
Maybe tomorrow I could give her a tour around this world.

"Pod 5." I pointed out.

"This one has Lindt chocolate." Esma says, happily taking one out of the jar.

I took one too. "Yeah, I ordered it."
The chocolate melted in my mouth. Mm Finally.

"Good morning Everton. Off to earths dimension?" Nevi came to life.

"Yes, Thanks Nevi."

"What happens when I go back home?" Esma asks.

"You carry on with your normal day. And try not to go hunting for that boy." I warn.

"Well apparently I'm in love. So, no promises." She says bluntly. "I could get him to actually like me."

"Good luck with that." I chuckled.

"I really do like him though." Esma says sitting down, watching our dimension disappear under her feet.

"Of course you do." I say as I watch earth's ground appear from under us.

We sit in silent for the rest of the way. I'm trying to figure out what kind of relationship we have. We aren't friends, but we aren't exactly enemies.
What are we? I guess it won't matter. After this, she won't remember anything of me or our world. And I know she is sad about that.

The pod lands outside a house. It has white brick and a cream roof. It has a regular garden, blending in with the whole street.
It looked like a cozy home, with two cars already in the garage.

"I thought you said you lived alone?"

Esma looked at the house in front of her. We left the pod and stood on the side of the road. "My sister left a text yesterday before I came to your dimension. She is visiting."

"Oh, that's nice." I say.

Esma was about to continue walking to the house, then paused. She took a moment to carefully figure out what she wanted to say.
Then she looked at me with an expression that I cannot read.

"W-would you maybe like to come in and meet her?"

I smile. "I'd be delighted to."

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Cupid's Beautiful MistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora