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It's been a while so I thought I might start finishing this book while in quarantine from this damn virus haha


Its been about a week since the cupid system has gone down and its quite the chaos.

There's a few things my father worked out. Firstly it was someone who did this as it would be impossible to have the system crash by itself. And secondly, until that person is caught, security is soaring high which means no one from the human world can come back for now and no cupid is allowed to leave.

But there was something else behind my fathers eyes in which he wasn't mentioning.

"What is it? You can trust me." I push. He leans forward on his desk resting is chin on his hands.

"Cupids cant leave," he says, "except you. You and a few other cupids have business to attended to in the human world. Which means you have to stay in their world until said otherwise."

"What?" surprisingly I'm not too angry with this outcome. More surprised. "I can help here, help you find whoever did this."

"You can still help, Everton." my father says, shifting uncomfortably. "By doing your job to keep that girl away from-"

"She does that on her own." I shrug.

"Yes but time has passed and you know that the attraction heightens in the last few days of her 30 days. Things can change, the attraction arrows power will get stronger she might not be able to resist."

I nod, nearly forgetting how powerful these arrows are.

my father spoke again. "You targeted the wrong person, she will feel the power of attraction as well has the feeling of something isn't right. you need to be there for her, she's going to be very confused."

"I understand." I say. "but there's got to be something I can do to help the cupid world, Father."

He stands from his chair almost immediately. "There is. Your mother."

I was taken back as he mention my mother for the first time without me pushing for it. Of course, my mother lives in the human world in which I will have to stay in. But what about her has brought this up?

"Sit down, Everton, I think its time I need to share that story."

We both sit down in silence, my heart is racing. I'm finally getting told the story I've always wanted to hear. The story about my Mother.

"Your mother was my match, Everton. And when I found her that day at a Light Festival that these humans go to, I fell in love. So did she. She found out about our world and loved it with every bit of her soul. But there was always a side to her that wondered if it really was meant to be, that if we would have met anyway without the system." he took a breath.

"I called her silly, Its only the matchmaking system that knows your match. Then with a desire arrow you let them know deep in there soul that, that person will be the one." he shook his head.

I didn't speak. I was afraid he would stop and give up.

"Then we had you and everything changed. She started worrying, wanting you to be apart of her human life. Wanting you to live her way. Wanting you to fall in love by yourself not because a system tells you. as much as she loved the cupid world, she found flaws in it."

He looks up at me, "It got so bad, she got so protective that I told her to leave. Without you."

"And I feel like the worst husband and father for taking you away. But she knew full well of the rules." He sighed. "That's why I think she would be the only one who would take down or system. For revenge on me and for a normal life for you."

My palms are so sweaty that I feel like I'm roasting under a burning house fire. I don't know what to say or what to think.

"Everton, I need you to find her, I need you to help me stop her. Save the system. We have done this for decades, this is how Humans find their other half, we stop the heartache, the pain of going through dating different people. We stop the loneliness, the people who just give up because they think no one will love them."

I nod slowly, trying to take it all in. Understanding the point to both sides.

Trying to figure out which side I am on too.

Cupid's Beautiful MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now