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Trent POV

"Here's an ice pack" the nurse said placing it gently on my swollen ankle.
"Thanks" Kendly she's just really....something.

"Your ankle was doing fine with recovery, what happened?" The nurse asked checking my chart

"Let's just say I'm never getting involved with girl drama again"

Nurse Jackie laughed checking me off her list.
"Just stay off that ankle for a week or two and take your meds"
"A week! But I have a game in four days. I was hoping to get scouted for college!"

I rubbed my face in frustration.
"Trent you can't play anything until that ankle is healed or else you'll loose it"

I nodded muttered a curse.
"Damn it Kendly" I laid back on the bed folding my arms over my eyes.

"Rest up. I'll call your parents and notify the coach" she patted my arm sincerely before getting up from her chair.
"What the hell am I suppose to do now?"

Kendyl POV
I sat in the library by myself reading. I haven't seen Leo, Dave or Celine all day and I'd love to keep it that way.

The book I was reading was my favorite, 'to kill a mockingbird' was a good read. I read this book for a fun over the summer but now, our class has to do a book report and that's due tomorrow. I was only 25 pages in, chapter 4.

I bit at my nails out of habit as I flipped the page.
"Hey. There you are" I looked up.

Melanie sat across from me on the carpet, cross legged.
"How did you find me?" I asked closing the book.

"We are best friends. I know all your dirty little secrets" she wiggled her brows.

This made me nervous.

Does she know what happened yesterday with Leo?

"Hey what's wrong?"
"Huh?" I looked up from the ground. Was I obvious?
"Nothing why?"
"You got all quiet, I was only joking"
"No it's not that" I sighed. I better tell her before she hears it from someone else.

"Leo broke up with me yesterday-"
She covered her mouth in shock
"-oh honey"
"-he even brought his friends. Dave, Fiona and even Celine to embarrass me. He dumped me in the hallway, right in front  of them."

My mouth began to quiver. I knew the tears were coming.
"He—He told me I was nothing-" I paused sniffling, I fiddled with my fingers avoiding her gaze.
"-that he only went out with me for a bet. He even told Dave that he was my first. You know Dave Mel, he has a big mouth. He's probably told half the school by now."

"That bastard" she took my hands in hers, rubbing her thumbs across them.
"It's not fair! Why do bad things only happen to me! Don't I deserve to be happy?"

I used my shoulder to wipe away my tears.
"Of course you do babe. We all do. Nobody deserves to be treated like crap, no matter what they've down in the past."

I nodded. She was right, I'll get him back. I'll get my revenge.
"What else did he say?"
"He called me whore because I'm tutoring Trent. He thought I was having sex with him"
"So—"She shrugged, pausing to squeeze my hand.
"—let him think that. Break his ego down bit by bit"
"—so let him think I was cheating?"

"No, I mean let him think that you had sex with Trent to get back at him. Boast about it, he'll get jealous and then we strike" she grinned rubbing my cheek.
"You think that will work?"
"I know it will. They call me the Man Eater"

I gave her look.
"No one calls you that"
"Shut up and let's go" I laughed gathering my things.

After we left the library, the universe must be really upset because we bumped into Celine and Fiona on our way out.

"Well look who it is?"
She laughed, crossing her hands over her chest. Her fresh red manicure visible.

"What do you want?" Melanie hissed.

I stood behind her trying to compose myself, I didn't want her to see me like this. I need to be crazy not a heartbroken teen.

"I was looking for you?" She teased ignoring Melanie and stepping towards me.
"Why?" I finally spoke.
"Leo told me to ask you something"
"So he couldn't ask himself. What a p*ssy!" Mel hissed.

I hit her arm giving her a 'really' look.
"Can you just shut up! No one's talking to you" Celine hissed glaring at Melanie
"Why? Does it piss you off?" She smirked arching her brow.
"Yes! It does" Celine confessed.
"Ugh you need it be quiet. Your voice is so annoying!" Melissa piped in.
"You want to say that a little louder blondie"

Melissa took a step back flinching.
"She's an animal" Melissa whisper yelled in Celine's ear.
"Ew you just spit in my ear!"

Celine looked like she was ready to slap her.
"Still can't talk probably brace face?" Melanie giggled

This was getting way out of hand.
"No you didn't! I'll kill you!" Melissa went rampant, her arms flew towards Melanie.

Mel stood in the corner yelling as I held her back, Celine did the same with Melissa.

"Just one punch. I just want to get one punch in!"
"NO! Melanie stop it" she was stronger than I thought. I stumbled numerous times, trying to keep from murdering Melissa.
Unfortunately, my shoes didn't obligate. These were favorite pair of mule sandals and the only brown ones I had.

Celine screamed, her face red and hair out of place. The small red scratch above her eyebrow was bleeding, Melissa seriously needed to cut her nails.

The hallway was dead silent, the only thing being heard was our breathing and faint clicking coming from down the hall.

We all turned our heads in the direction of the sound. Again we all gasped in unison, Trent held one crutch under his right arm as he limped down the hall.

His ankle was wrapped and feet stuffed in a pair of flip flops, one size too small.
"Oh my gosh my baby! What happened?"

He looked at all of us but his eyes landed on me and stayed there.

What was he thinking?

He looked at Celine and smiled
"I had an accident"
He said.

Guilt came over me.

I kicked his ankle yesterday after I ran away into the classroom, I never apologized for it.

Avoiding his gaze, I hung my head playing nervously with my thumbs.

"What the hell. What kind of accident? Weren't you just getting over that bungee jumping thing. God Trent! Your  recovery time has been 3 months now, how can you do this to yourself? What about football?"

Celine ranted. Trent smiled down at her. He looked so happy, I wanted to be happy like that.

"I'm fine. I'll just have to stay off of it for a week or two"
"Oh gosh Trent I'm so sorry sorry" Melissa frowned after composing herself, walking over to them.

Melanie whispered to me
"Didn't you say you kicked someone yesterday over the phone?" I nodded shamefully
"Kendyl!" Melanie whined
"I know I feel so bad!"I covered my face with my hands.

"But babe what about the college Scouting? Aren't they coming to the game tomorrow?"

Game? Scouts?
Oh my gosh I ruined his life.
I felt even worse now.
"You've done it now" Mel said bluntly
"Thanks. I didn't know that" I glared at her, glancing at Trent I began to walk away in the opposite direction.

"Hey Kay wait up" Melanie called out jogging up to me.

"He'll be fine Kendyl"

"I can't face Trent. I feel so bad. He was only trying to help me yesterday and I ruined his chances of getting into college" shaking my head I scolded myself silently.

"It's fine. He knows you didn't do it on purpose" she tried to reassure me.

I shook my head.
"I have to make it up to him"
"What are you planning to do?"
I grin with excitement
"You'll see."

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