Sister Sister Drama (PART TWO)

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😛😛 Hello my rosebuds missed me ??

We were finally back from the four day weekend and let's just say, I wasn't too happy.

My mother's sister was such a pest, don't get me wrong. I love Aunty Juliana, she's the best but she has her limits. Her constant bickering with my mother was getting out of hand! It had been two whole days since she came to visit and I already can't stand the sight or sound of her.

This was of the many reasons my mother stopped keeping contact with her, she was a nuisance and a bother but at the same time she was good for my mother. Mom was finally talking again and I was more than happy to hear her beautiful voice, except the day when I heard her since she was completely unaware I was listening that day.

April on the other hand, went back home to clear things up with her mom. The situation with Emit is still hanging in the air, I promised her that I would help find him if it's the last thing I'll do.

I yawned, sleepily dragging my feet to my locker, which was occupied by Mel and Trent whom seem to be in deep conversation.

"Hey guys" I solemnly waved, yawing once more.

"Whoa! What happened to you? You look like shit" Trent bluntly stated earning a quick gut hit from Melanie.

He causally held on to the strap of his Herschel black bag pack, and the other hand stuffed in the front pocket of his dark washed jeans.

Having no energy to fight back, I brushed off his comment opening my locker.

"Kay you alright? You seem tired" Mel asked leaning against a locker.

I nodded exchanging books into my bag

"I am! My aunt Juliana came to visit for the entire week and she's already at it with my mom. She's driving me crazy, I can't sleep at night-"

I turned to them pointing at the dark circles under my eyes.

"-do you see these? Lack of sleep! I never had bags before. I tried eye cream, cucumbers, everything and nothing worked. I think I just need to fully rest" I sighed closing my locker

"Why don't you just spend the night at Mel's house?" Trent said shrugging

My eyes widened at the thought.

"Trent you're a genius!" I grabbed his shoulders pulling at his dark green trench coat.

"Thanks. I guess" he carefully eyed Mel, who shrugged as well, then added briefly.

"That's actually a good idea. Since she's like at my house 24/7 anyways" she said matter of factly.

"Why didn't I think of that-" I began shaking his shoulders vigorously as I dropped my head back, closing my eyes in the process.

"-thank you. Thank you thank you!" I cried throwing my arms up in triumph.

"You're welcome" he chuckled just as the first bell rang.

"See you guys later" he wave off not before kissing my cheek.

I would blush if only I had the energy.

"You look like a mess. Come with me" Melanie said dragging me along to the bathroom.

"Mel we're going to be late for class" I complained reluctantly following her lead.

"Well you can't go into class looking like a mess. It's Monday Kay, geez" she huffed dropping her pocketbook on the counter.

"Exactly! Monday"
She turned to me in frustration

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