His ComeBack

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Some sexy Austin Butler 💕😆 Song: Touch it By Arianna Grande

Question: what's your favorite candy? Mine is Reece's cups and chocolate ( rolls eyes at anyone who says chocolate isn't candy)

Month: October

Today was the big game. The weekend went by with a breeze. Trent's ankle heeled pretty well and the nurse said he could play in the final game of the term.

Little did he know who was going to be there, I worked my Kendly magic to get the Scouts to give him another chance.

After coach gave me the number I called that same day. I was surprised to find out Elaine still worked there, she was even more surprised that I called my Dad's office instead of his cellphone.

I haven't spoken to my dad in five years, since he left my mom to run his business after marrying some lady.

It really hurt my pride to call him, it took me three hours, to muster up some courage. Melanie and Porter were by my side the whole time and when I finally did, it went exactly how I pictured it.

The conversation went like this.....
"Hello Kendly. What is it?"
I could hear his fingers flying across the keyboard.
"How are you?" The phone was pressed against my ear, sweaty.
I was sweaty all over.

"Get to the point Kendly. I'm busy here"

He breathed out a sigh. I knew I was on speaker, I always was.
"I need a favor?"
"What is—"

Suddenly a woman's voice appeared.
"Who is that dear?"

It was her. The woman my father left us for.
"My daughter"
"Honey give us a minute. We'll go to dinner as soon as I'm finished here" he sounded so different, not the sweet caring man I grew up knowing.

My mother said they fell out of love and I can see why, he was so cold. His whole demeanor changed.

"Sorry about that"
"No it's fine"

No it wasn't.
I sat at the dinner table awkwardly. Porter and Melanie sat side by side, tense. Porter has his fist clenched the whole time, I assume he could hear the conversation due to the fact that the landline had a loud volume, no matter how low you turned it down.

"What did you want? Money? I gave your mother her child support already! I swear that damned—"
"No it's not that. And we're fine thanks for asking"
"Sorry—" he doesn't sound like it, he never does.
"—I just need you to come to a game at our school, or even send one of your Scouts. They can  check out one of the football players."

"I went already. Why would I do that?"
"—because I messed up and ruined a student's chance to play during the game"
"Is this person a friend?"

If I say yes, will he do it? No, it'll hender Trent's chance to be picked fairly.
"Not really. He's in my class, I don't know him personally"

There was silence and deep breathing on his end. I heard him shuffle as he picked up the receiver, taking me off speaker.

"Look Kendyl—"
"Dad please?" I hated begging this man for anything. He was the worst.

It's been years since we last spoke, this was our first conversation where we didn't end up arguing. So far.

"Give me the phone" before I could object, Porter snatched it out my hand.
"Listen to me loud and clear Morgan! This is my sister you're talking to and your damned daughter. Alright! So have some respect and second, she never asked you for anything. So why can't you do this for her? Huh?"

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