My Favorite Chapter

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You're the chapter I always come back to

-my favorite one.

The one I hold onto,

The one that makes me smile the most,

The one I don't want to let go.

As I hold the book to my heart,

You're the one I think about before I embrace sleep.

But as they say,

the best chapters hurt the most.

We're miles apart,

Yet I'm still thinking about you.

I still care.

I still miss you,

I miss your late night shenanigans

And your endless stories,

All I want to do is run back to you,

throw myself in your arms,

And listen to you talk for hours.

Hours feel like minutes

And minutes feel like seconds,

Yet these few days will feel like eternity.

Why do you care? Why don't you just close the book- they ask.

He just happens to be the person I trust the most

And I'm not ready to give up on him,

Not now, not ever.

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