Chapter Eighteen

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Destiny POV

I was able to go home after being in the hospital. My mom demanded that I stayed home for this week. I'm not complaining, I just wanted to beat Mina and her friend's ass then get my suspension.

I was still going to sneak out and go to school to fight them. My mom goes to work and I start getting dressed in my fighting clothes. I text Lily telling her I'm coming to school.

I speed walk my way to school before the school doors are locked. Lily tells me to meet her at our lockers. I pass through the crowd of people telling me welcome back and all this fake bullshit. None of them came to see me so I don't know what's the point of being fake.

I get to our lockers and Lily leads me to where Mina and Kendra were. Angelica wasn't around for some reason. Mina was sitting in a desk while Kendra was behind one of the tables in the classroom. Until they looked up and seen Lily and I coming towards them. I was going to ask questions but Lily already charged towards Kendra. So, I charged at Mina. She was blocking my punches on the floor so I picked up one of them hard covered thick ass math books and started hitting her with it. Lily was dragging Kendra around the classroom.

People were running into the classroom recording the fight. Teachers came running in the classroom breaking us up.

We got suspended for two weeks. Oh well, I really don't give a fuck I just had to beat that ass. I'm still going after Angelica though. She's always missing in action but I know her ass was there when it came to jumping me. They called my mom and she was mad that I left my house to fight some Napoleon Dynamite looking ass bitches.

"Destiny I can't catch a break with you lately. You've been having sex, lying, staying out late, and fighting. When is it going to stop!?!" She yelled.

"It's going to stop after I fight one more person" I truthfully says. I'm giving up on sex for a long time. It dragged me into this situation.

"You can't fight everyone that looks at you the wrong way!"

"I'm not fighting her because she looked at me the wrong way. She jumped me!" I yelled back.

"You know what? For now on, you're living by my rules. As soon as school ends you're coming straight home. I'm not letting you go anywhere until you graduate. Do you hear me?!?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah can I go to sleep now?" I asked. She shook her head as if I was a lost cause.

It's not like I have anywhere to go anyways. I'm single as fuck again. This time I want to make it last. Boys are the devil.

I guess my mom goes back to work because I wake up and she's not home. My phone starts vibrating. I look down at it and it's Simon. I was so tempted to answer it. But, I didn't. The whole miscarriage thing was enough to make me see that he's not healthy for me.

What did I think was going to come out of that relationship anyway? Marriage with kids? No I didn't think about any of that. He already has his own child. If he was going to get married I'm pretty sure he would of did it by now. He's not a commitment type of guy. Why didn't I open my eyes to that.

I was so lost in my thought until I heard a knock on the door. I open it and it's Simon. What is he doing here?

"You can't be here. I can't talk to you" I try pushing the door close.

"I only came here because Mina said you attacked her because you're mad at everyone about your abortion" he says.

Abortion? When the fuck did I get an abortion? I didn't do this to myself. I got attacked by his daughter and her friends.

"I had a miscarriage" I shouted.

"It's kind of weird that you got a miscarriage right after I told you we were done" he says. I reach my breaking point. I can't believe I was in love with this idiot.

"Get the fuck out of my house" I pushed him out.

"We're not done talking?" He says as I'm opening the door so he could get out.

"Bye" I say pushing him out and slamming the door locking it.

Did I or did I not already tell his dumbass while I was in the hospital that I had a miscarriage? I don't give a damn if he said he wouldn't take care of my child I would never harm he or she for him. What the fuck was he even thinking.

I'm officially done with him.

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I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

It's short than usual but you know I already started on the next chapter

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