Chapter 38

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Destiny POV

I've been catering to Jacob's needs like I'm some housewife. I've been cooking for him every night, giving him sex even when I don't like it, and giving him massages. He actually stopped hitting me. I still don't want him. I would rather be with Simon.

"You're making me fall in love with you" Jacob said while getting in bed with me. I rolled my eyes. That's the last thing I want from him. To think I was trying to make him love me in the beginning of our relationship makes me sick.

"That's all I ever wanted from you" I lied.

"Well you're going to get it" he kissed me on my neck then pulled back slowly realizing my necklace. It's the necklace that Simon gave me.

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

"Baby I've had it since the first day we met. I got it from my mom before I came to New York" I lied.

"Oh I guess I didn't realize it. Goodnight" he said pulling me into his arms. My eyes widened when he placed his hand on my stomach. I just hope he doesn't find out I'm pregnant. I have to meet up with Simon tomorrow.

Next day...

I was so prepared to meet Simon. I wore a hoodie because I didn't want Jacob to see my stomach and get suspicious. 

Before Lily came to get me Jacob was showing so much unwanted affection. I didn't want any of his kisses or hugs but he gave them to me anyways. He was telling me how much he loved me. He even said "when the time is right I might just put a ring on your finger" all of this bullshit.

It's like he knows I'm leaving him tonight. Well at least I hope I'm leaving him tonight.

Back to Lily taking me over to Simon. I was so nervous.

"What if I'm not as pretty as I was a few months ago? What if he thinks I'm fat now?" I started to shed tears. Lily gave me that "bitch shut the fuck up" look.

"You just have a tiny baby bump nothing major and you're still pretty"

"Pretty?" I teared up completely. "Simon calls gorgeous. I can't face him like this"

Lily rolled her eyes. "I'm going to give you a pass because I know that baby has your hormones all over the place"

We got to the restaurant that I was supposed to be meeting. Lily wiped my tears before we walked him. My eyes locked on him and my God it's like this guy gets more attractive the more he ages.

He had a certain look in his eyes. It wasn't hate. It was love. I came in here not so confident but now that I'm in front of him I can see that he's not mad at me. All I have to do is tell him everything that happened and we'll move past this situation.

Lily sat down with us because she believes I'll hide some of the things Jacob did to to me.

Simon and I kept staring at each other. I didn't know where to start and I could tell he's waiting for me to say something.

"I-I missed you" I stuttered. 

"If you missed me so much why haven't you answered my calls or text messages?" He asked.

"I lost my phone" I lied. I just can't bring myself to tell him what's really going on with me.

"She didn't lose her phone" Lily said. "Tell him the truth"

"Jacob, my boyfriend broke my phone because I spent the night with you" I looked down at the table.

"I tried leaving him that night but he hit me and spit on me. We left early for New York and once we came back here it got worse." I had to stop talking about it because it's like I can feel all of the painful things he did to me.

"I don't want him to kill my baby. I just know when he finds out he's going to kill us. He's threatened to kill me before" I started crying.

Simon didn't say anything he just held me in his arms. I wouldn't want him to say anything anyways. This is what I need, I just wanted to be in his arms. This is the first time in three months that I felt safe.

He paid for our meal.

"Well I mainly came here for the free meal" Lily said when she was done eating. "I should go to leave you two love birds alone"

I tried to signal her to stay but she went back to her dorm leaving Simon and I alone.

I was afraid that Jacob would catch us. It wouldn't be the first time he hit me in public. I guess Simon realized how nervous I was to be out in public.

"You want to go back to my hotel room to finish talking?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said. He was trying to put his arm around me but I flinched. I got so use to flinching.

"Destiny I'm not going to hurt you. You don't have to be scared around me" he put his arm around me and I calmed down.

We went to his hotel room. I sat on the bed.

"How far along are you?" He asked.

"I'm 13 weeks" he sat on the bed with me.

"I don't want you to be offended about what I'm about to ask you" he said. I nod my head prepared for what he's going to ask me. "Is it mine?"

"Yes it's yours" I placed his hand on my stomach. That led to us kissing but I stopped him.

"Could we just cuddle? I just want to be in your arms"

He slid off the bed and took my shoes off. I took my hoodie off revealing my tank top.

He laid on the bed and I did the same. I snuggled into his arms and told him everything from beginning to end until I fell asleep.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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