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My breath stopped as my hands trembled so hard I that I thought there might be an earthquake beneath my feet.

My shakey voice could finally let out a "w-w-what??!" As I stared at Jimin in mere disbelief.

His grin became wider, more creepy. And he said with a tilted head,"what do you mean? I thought Taehyung already warned you. He had helped me before he knew about me. But now because he knows, he stays away from me."

"J-Jimin? Are you.. Alright?" I asked as I took a few shakey steps back, screaming mentally at my body to break into a run but seeming to fail abruptly.

He pushed me against a wall, revealing a glimmering silver metal in his hand, inching towards me.

He licked his thick lip and grinned at me,"you don't need to worry about me. The real question is... Will you be alright?"

I tried to push him away, I tried to punch him or yank the knife in his hand away from him but all of that was mentally, my mind was blocked and in shock while all I could do was drop a single tear.

I was afraid. I was so scared.

But most of all, I was disappointed.

"Jimin," a harsh, deep voice cut through the silence of the night.

I looked beside me to see an angry Taehyung. A sudden feeling popped in my heart, intertwined with relief.

"Let her go," he hissed with his hood up. But I could still see him giving a dagger glare to Jimin.

Jimin only laughed, his head falling back and his hand that held the knife never leaving my temple.

"And what will you do, Tae? Why do you even care for her??"

Taehyung didn't even answer, he pushed Jimin away from me and pulled me, both of us leaving Jimin as soon as we could.

I followed him, still feeling numb.

I was so tired of that. And Jimin was the last straw.

I yanked my hand away from Taehyung after we stopped in an alley, wiping away the tear that fell earlier.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked, cupping my cheek in his warm hand.

But I couldn't bear to look at him, feeling ashamed.

"I told you to stay away from him. I know him."

"I know... But.. I thought he might be different. I guess I was wrong... Again."


I stared at the wall.


Oh, look there's a worm on that wall. Eww.

He turned my face towards him with his hand.

"Having so many failures in trusting people and getting hurt by them doesn't mean you shouldn't trust anyone anymore. You can't trust anyone but you still can't block yourself from everyone."

I looked into his soft eyes, tears rolling down nonstop now.

"But.. I've tried so many times and nobody seems to be trustworthy but my mom."

"And what about me?"

My eyes locked with his, snatching away every word that could come out of my tongue. His face was a little blurry due to my tears but I could still see the obvious nervousness as he waited for my answer.

"W.. What about you?"

"What am I to you?"


I didn't get to finish my tangled thoughts as his lips came closer to mine and brushed them softly, making my senses melt away with the chilly night. They came closer until I found that we were kissing under the pale moonlight in an alley with that worm still on its dirty wall.

I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall again. Now, feeling warmer and more relieved to let out my fear and pain through that kiss.

He broke off slowly, looking deep into my teary eyes with a slight blush and a soft smile on his lips that just touched mine.

"Now, what am I to you?"

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