Chapter 18: Werewolf Galore

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Rose POV: 

I've been running for the past five hours and now all of my previous strength is gone, I'm back to normal. I can still feel them on my tracks, but I'm not a werewolf so my scent will not be strong enough to follow. The only person who has the slightest chance of being able to catch me is that scoundrel, Alpha Playboy, Alpha Eric. The only way to get him off my track is to mix my scent with something stronger. It would have to be any scent of testosterone, and for that I would have to be close to someone, be intimate with someone, you know, get down and do the dirty. There has to be another way, right?

Scanning the forest, my eyes land on the jackpot. There's an amber colored male wolf, seems like one of a normal ranking in a pack, just sleeping there alone. Werewolves would never let their guard down like that which means it has to be a regular wolf.

Quickly, I creep to its side, and gently touch its fur before slowly giving it a huge hug. I just have to hold him in a hug for three minutes and it should be good.

After what seems like hours or eternity, I finally deem it safe enough to let go and open my eyes. Opening my eyes, I see a different wolf with black fur gazing at me menacingly at which I jump away and scurry up into a tree. Its eyes seem to laugh as it nudges the sleeping wolf, which awakens quickly and stands, revealing two extremely large wolves. They are too big. They're werewolves.

I study them quickly, before deciding to try to make a run for it. Jumping out of the tree, I'm immediately grabbed by a hand.

Who? Turning around, a tall man stands in the way. I look up, and up, before I finally see the man's face. I gasp.

As he meets my eyes, he gasps too. 

A/N: Thank you so much for #177 in werewolf guys! 

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