Chapter 24: Inner Turmoil

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I'm suddenly shaken out of my thoughts as I bump into someone.

"Watch where you're going! Don't disrespect me with your presence!"

Who in the heck?! I'm not a happy person when I'm without food so they decided to start a problem with the wrong person today.

Looking up, I mentally roll up my sleeves. Well, this is going down. 

Rose's POV

Staring at the woman in front of me, a burning sensation of jealousy and anger filled me as I stared at her. There was, evidently, only one room in this corridor. That office was Cole's. I tried to calm down as I realised that he was an Alpha. Pack members were meant to visit the Alpha to address their problems to him, and as a Luna I had to understand that. 

What she was wearing though? It was hideous. Absolutely disgusting. She was a tall girl who was probably around 20, and she had black curls and chocolate brown eyes, and she had an air of confidence around her. I wouldn't call what she was wearing clothes, heck, it was basically underwear! She wore a tight, crop top with a short denim skirt. Boy, it was extremely short. Probably short enough that every guy could easily see everything. 

I guess she was what I would label the pack slut. Hey! I can't be deceived by looks, though! Don't judge a book by its cover and all that! I try hard to calm down and think. 

I didn't want a fight either. I had just gotten to the pack house. Just found my best friend again. Just found out about the Night Wolf. Just escaped Eric. Just found my mate. Just starting to try things out with my mate. 

Quietly, moving aside, I give her a smile in apology and let her pass as she mumbles angrily about me being a bitch. What she said was rude, but I still had the scent of a rogue. I wanted to chalk it up to that for now. I didn't want any unnecessary trouble right now. 

Everything that's been going on, it's all just getting to me.  I'm so incredibly tired, and it hurts to pretend I'm okay. Everything is just dragging me down, and I don't even know if I'm ready for a relationship. I haven't even fixed myself, how am I going to be good enough for Cole? Honestly, I don't know if I'm good enough. I want to trust him though. I want to believe that we can work on getting better together. 

Smiling at Drew, I follow him silently into the kitchen, spending some much needed reunion time with my best friend. 

Alpha Eric's POV 

It's only been a few days and I already miss her so much. My mate. I don't know where she is! I had to head back to my pack. While my number one priority at this moment is finding my mate, I can't leave my pack defenceless. I had to let Damon take care of the search for Rose this time. Unfortunately. 

I fucking hate with every fibre of my being that she thought HE was the better option. I'm stronger, I have the better title. Yes, he is my best friend, that's why he's my Beta. I'm still superior to him though, and I am stronger. I could protect her so much better. 

But I also hurt her. It haunts me. Every time I ever hurt her rushes past my eyelids at night. I haven't slept in so long, and when I do fall asleep, an image of her in the hospital shows up and I feel sick! 

Sick of myself. Sick that I did that to her. I'm a monster. 

I'm also selfish. I can't let her go, and I can't let her move on. I need her and this pack needs a Luna. Technically, she hasn't rejected me. I need to make myself up to her, but they have to find her for that! Damon and the pack's trackers have been on it, but they say the scent trail stops dead! 

I'm losing hope. I've been calling all the Alphas and the packs to ask if they have seen her, and to ask them and so far it's been a gigantic no from everyone of them! I haven't lost my cool in front of the pack yet but I can't help the overwhelming sense of anger at this whole situation! 

Luckily, everyone knows to get the fuck out of my way. Otherwise, I won't be responsible for what happens to them. My office is a fucking mess, and I've thrashed everything. My wolf won't talk to me, I lost my mate, I'm losing my head! 

Taking a deep breath, I dial the number for the Raven pack, hoping they'll have seen her. The Alpha is one of legends. He's the youngest and strongest Alpha to ever rise. He became an Alpha when he was 14, due to his parents' death. I don't remember the details, nor do I care. He's known to be vicious, he had to be to defend his title. Within 7 years, he became one of the strongest Alphas in the Western world, making his pack rise to be the top, and they just carry an air of danger about them. The word Raven pack basically means a death sentence. 

I can't help but hope they have Rose. I need her, even if she's in their hold, I'll get her out somehow. I need her. This is my last hope. 

Alpha Cole better not have hurt a hair on her head, or he's as good as dead. 

A/N: How's the phone conversation going to go? O.o And who's the scandalously dressed girl? o.O 

Please ignore that I'm almost two hours late! But, thanks for the support guys! 83.3K readers is just beyond amazing, and something I never hoped for! Please leave comments about anything (even puppies), they're greatly appreciated, enjoy!! 

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