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There will be mature content, watch for the warnings! 

Rose's POV

Looking down at myself, I have been hooked up to so many wires and I wish I was in my pajamas, instead of this scratchy thing. Cole stares at me with wide eyes before hugging me tightly. "You're finally awake! I thought I lost you, and I don't know what I would do without you." Pulling away, he stares into my eyes and I can see so many emotions and thoughts that he must be feeling. I remember the feeling I had gotten through the bond, that feeling of something being off. 

"What's wrong? I can tell something is bothering you." He coughs quickly, trying to cover it up, but I replace my expression with a harsh glare. "I remember how you treated me in front of the hospital, and that was the first and last time you will do that Cole. I have forgiven you because after going through a life and death situation, I just want to be with you and live happily, especially with Eric no longer in the picture. So, do the right thing here and tell me the truth." 

Sighing, Cole's warm hand touches my cheek gently and I can't help the involuntary shiver that wracks my body at his touch. "Sweetheart, you lost your wolf. The bullet almost hit your heart, and your wolf gave up her life to save you, and I can't be more grateful to have you here but I know you lost a part of you and I am sorry. You made a deal with the council, and they tried to be understanding by letting you train with me instead." 

Nodding my head slowly, I hate the feeling of fear that seems to choke me. How am I going to protect myself without my wolf? I don't want to be that weak willed person I used to be. I gained confidence throughout my time here and Cole. Cole is my rock, he is my anchor. True love is what I have found with him, in someone who is so supportive and reliable and loving. Yes, I have lost my wolf, but I still have myself, this will not be the end for me. I am still emotionally and mentally strong, and if I have my weak moments, I know he will be there to pick me up and be supportive. I will forever be grateful to my wolf, and I will live the rest of my life for the both of us. Starting now. 

Gently tugging on Cole's hand, I shimmy over to give him some space. Patting the bed, I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "Sit down, join me, I want to talk to you. Everything is finally settled down, and I just want to spend time with my mate." Kicking off his shoes, he quickly joins me, pulling me on top of him to rest on his chest. His very fine, muscular chest. I think I feel a six pack. Or is that an eight? 

I completely miss the beginning of whatever he is saying, but I finally catch on to the end. "..I am so sorry for everything, and I am so glad we are here together, right now. We have the rest of our lives to spend together. i cannot wait for you to get used to the pack, to meet my family, for our first date - which will definitely be a drive-in theatre and a restaurant, for everything. I can't wait to get married to you and have kids."

Cutting in quickly, I grin at him before tapping his nose lightly, "I want three. How many do you want?" 

"It's your body and I will be happy with however many kids we have but I definitely want to have so many children running around this house, that we will never get bored." 

This man is perfect. I love him. "When you propose to me, you better make it romantic. Just warning you right now!" 

Chuckling, he nods. "Thanks love. I will make sure to do that. I will tell you how much I love you and how I will always be here for you. I know I'll make you mad sometimes by forgetting to put the toilet seat down or doing some idiotic thing, but I will always come back and apologize and treat you like the queen you are. You're my queen, baby. On top of that, you are my mate. I will love you until all the stars cease to exist, because my love for you is larger than the stars that fill the sky. I love you." 

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