Like Mother, Like Daughter (2)

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Everyone was quiet while Yang just gave me a look of concern "Are you okay? You don't look so good." I only gave her the best smile I could muster before I shed a couple of tears "Y/N please tell me what's wrong." Before I could say something Ruby decided that the atmosphere felt awkward "You guys can have your chat, we'll just go some place. Yeah." RWB left us alone while I looked away from her "Do you remember that promise we made when we were kids?" She nodded with a smile. That perfect and heartbreaking smile. "Of course I do! I was the one who asked you to keep it and ever since we've been together happy as can be." It was at this time that I chuckled "And I kept my end of the promise. You haven't." Her eyes widened as she nervously chuckled "W-What are you talking about?"

"Yang I already know."
"I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Yang please be honest with me."
"I am!" She had tears building up, but by the look in her eye she knew that this moment could be the end of our relationship. "Please!be honest with me Yang." She looked down "I... I'm sorry Y/N. I was just to greedy and wanted something more, but I started to regret that as soon as it was over. Please don't do this!" I noticed that she never looked me in the eye when she said that "Yang look at me." No response. "Yang please look at me." No response. "Yang please." When her head went up I could see that her eyes were red, but not from her semblance. From crying. "You could've just told me that you wanted to move further in our relationship. If you did that then we wouldn't be standing here." She began to shake as she prepared herself for my next words "I'm sorry Yang, but I..." I looked away as I knew I didn't want to do this "I..." I need to do this. "I don't think we can do this anymore." I turned around and walked away to leave a crying Yang. Life fucking sucks at times.

Time Skip

I walked past an ice cream shop and remembered what my family would do when I was upset. "Guess I should try the old method." I walked in and ordered a (Fav. Ice Cream), but in the corner of my eye I saw a girl with an odd hair with brown and pink eyes. Once I got it I seemed to be more intrigued by her. This feeling wouldn't go away so I walked up to her as if we've met before "Hey!" I said as I walked up to her. She looked at me, but didn't seem to answer "Um... hi?" she looked annoyed and pulled out a piece of paper. It said "I'm a mute." I felt horrible "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know." She just smiled and said/wrote "I'm Neo." I sat down "Y/N L/N."

A/N: I know that it might be short, but I'm thinking of continuing it in another part.

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