/Chapter 13\

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'I feel sorry for her JJ. Is something wrong with that!'
'No I don't it's just that she's been her for what a week and you already feel sorry for her' he said in a sorry tone
'She has no family she has 1 sister that's dead and two brothers that got separated from her. Her other sister got caught cheating on boyfriend, she has no mum and her dad died in a car crash. She has no one except from us and joe!' I was getting angry so I stormed up stairs to the 'attic' or harambes lair as people on YouTube know it as. I looked around at the open space and just sat there.

It was quiet

You could here the birds outside.

It felt like it was just me.


Damn I made Simon angry.

I like Scarlett more than a friend and now that I know what has happened I also feel sorry for her. I walked upstairs to go find Simon but couldn't help but go look and see what Scarlett is doing. I walked into her room and she was still asleep in the same position she was left in.

She looked perfect.

She was perfect.

I closed her door and walked into simons room expecting him to be in there

'Shhhhh Scarlett's asleep!' Shouted Vik
'Ughhhh' I groaned. I thought about where he could be and went to the 'attic'.

There was Simon sat in the floor doing nothing. I walked over to him and sat next to him.
'Hey bud'
'Go away' Simon said
'No I'm sorry Simon but I mean I think I like Scarlett'
'What !' Simon said turning to face me
'I like Scarlett more than a friend'
'No JJ please tell me this is a joke'
'No why?'
'Because I like her too' he said looking down at the floor.
'Really' I said in a soothing tone
'Yeah but it will never work' he said letting a tear hit the hard concrete floor.
'It could work. I want you and her happy so I will do what it takes' I said standing up and putting my hand out for him to grab.

He looked up at me with tears falling down his pale skin. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. We walked over to the door and stepped out.
'You must really love her to be crying over her' I said rubbing his back.
'Yeah I do but she's 18 and I'm 23 (A/N I know that's not his age but go with it) it's a 5 year age gap'
'Age is nothing si she legal so there won't be a problem'
'Oh Yeah' Simon said with a chuckle.

Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke up and went on my phone. I looked on my Twitter and saw Simon shared a post. It was from _redman.

I looked at who it was and I recognised him.

Then I saw his name.


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