Chapter || Thirty-Four

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** This is Fans **

Demitri felt butterflies in his chest as he leaned towards Snow watching her eyes close as their lips almost brushed. Pausing just centimeters away Demitri admired her lightly coated eyelashes.

"Can I kiss you now?"


Demitri pressed his wanting mouth against Snow's feeling the heat from her soft lips spread from hers to his. Sparks flickered underneath his eyelids as his fingertips tingled moving to her cheek, down her throat, and around her arm pulling her to his chest. Demitri wanted, no - needed her close. He prayed that when his eyes opened it wouldn't be a dream, that he wouldn't be taken back to the day she found out who he really was.

This is where he wanted to be.

Snow's fingers grazed the back of Demitri's neck when she felt their sunglasses bend under pressure. Ripping her mouth from his she scooted back touching the promise of honesty Demitri left on her lips.

Their cart began to rock a little as they ascended from the sky. Snow's grip tightened once again on the rail of the cart.

"I have to put my disguise back on but . . . can I kiss you again?"

Demitri wasn't prepared for Snow to smash their lips together but he didn't resist. Being able to kiss her a second time was just as sweet as the first. Nipping at her bottom lip he pushed against her plump lips silently asking for entrance.

Lost in their kiss Demitri didn't notice that the cart had stopped and his face wasn't covered until a piercing scream followed by a flash of light blinded him.





Camera lights and video recordings pointed towards the couple as Demitri's fans crowded around the Ferris Wheel. Kissing Snow one last time on the lips he apologized pulling his hat low on his head along with his sunglasses.

"Stay here until I leave then go find Kristen and Anthony. I'll call you tonight." Snow nodded still stuck in the bliss from their shared kisses. Demitri took her hand rubbing her knuckles gently. "You promised to answer always, remember?"

"I remember."

Stepping off the cart Demitri's fans screamed and begged for autographs as three large men dressed in black appeared out of the shadows walking a few feet in front of him making a path. Demitri moved the crowd near the carousel signing shirts and smiling for pictures.

Snow stepped out of the cart and hurried to her friends that were getting soft pretzels. Kristen smiled when she saw Snow walking over but it soon turned into a frown when she noticed Snow was alone.

"I am going to kick his ass!" Kristen stood ready to charge.

"Calm down Kristen. He got spotted by some fans and he has to leave."

"So what now? Are you going to keep talking to him?"

"I promised to answer his calls."

"When did you promise that? On the Ferris Wheel? Did he kiss you?" Snow could feel her face warm remembering the few kisses they shared. "OMG! He kissed you, didn't he?" Kristen smiled.

"Can we not talk about this anymore? We should get going anyways. It's getting late and I feel the need to do some painting."

"We should go babe. I have to drive back in a few hours." Anthony winked at Snow as he stood knowing that his girlfriend was giving her a hard time.

As they drove back to Snow's apartment her phone vibrated in her cupped hands.

* * *

I'm sorry that the Ferris Wheel wasn't as romantic as I mentally planned

Read 10:15 pm

I think the Ferris Wheel was still pretty romantic despite my fear of heights

Sent 10:16 pm

I have to go back to the party but I want to talk to you more

Read 10:17 pm

Can I still call you when the party is over?

Read 10:17 pm

Of course

Sent 10:19 pm

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