Chapter || Seventeen

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"Am I going to get my painting anytime soon?"

"Good morning to you too, MG."

"Good morning, Runner. I enjoyed our night together but you should watch your legs. You kicked me on the floor."

"My phone was dead when I found it on the floor. How long did you stay up?"

"Not long after you asked for a kiss."

"I what?!"

"You were asleep, relax. It's not like I could come through the phone and kiss you anyways, appealing as that sounds."

"Did you just confess that you want to kiss me?"

"You confessed it first."

"I was asleep! I don't even remember saying it. For all I know you could be lying."

"You also said something about coffee beans and purple paint."


"Don't be embarrassed. Your sleep talking is cute."

"Good thing we'll never meet in person so you can't tease me on end. On the phone I can just hang up."

" . . . . "


"You don't want to meet me, like ever?"

" . . . . "

" . . . . "

"MG, listen -"

"I actually have to go. Something just came up."

"Wait MG!" 


"I'm sorry."

--   --   --

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