Chapter || Twenty-Three

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"There's a carnival this weekend and I think I'm going to go."

"Is this an invitation?"

"Uhh . . ."

"I'm kidding, Runner. I know you don't want to meet me in person."

"It's not that I don't want to meet you MG, it's just that I don't -"

"Want me to be disappointed whatever that means. I've already explained to you how I see you and in all honesty, I'm not sure that you'll like me after we - well, if we ever meet."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm . . . because I bring baggage."

"Everyone has baggage MG. It's called being human."

"My baggage might be a little harder to accept. That's mainly the reason I don't have any real friends."

"Do you consider me a real friend?"

"As real as they come, H&R."

"H&R? Like H&R Block?"

"H&R, hit and run."

"That was awful."

"MG is awful."

"But you still answer."

"What's your real name?"


"Your real name. What is it?"

"How about I give you a hint?"

"Um sure . . . okay."

"My name is often thought of when you think of December."





"Jack Daniels?"


"I don't know. Uncomfortable clothes? Ridiculous questions asked by family? Starving while you wait for dinner? Football?"

"I think you're forgetting the purpose of the hint."

"Oh, sorry . . . Can I have another hint then?"

"It's always cold."

"And it's not food?"

"It's not food."

"Christmastime, always cold, and not food . . . Winter?"

"So close. So very very close."

"That sounds kind of sexual, Runner."

"Shut up."

" . . . . "

"Are you thinking?"


"Okay, hold on a sec . . . Hey Nikki, can you -"


"Hold on."


"Hold on a second."

"Your name is Snow as in snowing on Christmas, always cold snow?"

"My parents didn't want to name us Winter, Summer, Fall, and Spring. They named us Snow, Raye, Poppy, and Arlette."


"I know."

"So you're Snow inspired by winter. Ray like sun-ray?"

"But with an e at the end. R-a-y-e. She's daddy's little Sun-Raye."

"Did you just roll your eyes?"

"Of course not . . . Okay, yes but she was - is very spoiled."

"And Poppy? That's her real name and not a nick name?"

"Poppy is her real name. Poppy LeAnn and then Arlette."

"Are you the youngest?"

"Unfortunately. Poppy, Raye, Arlette, then me."

"I think your name is beautiful just like your voice, those honey brown eyes, and this painting above my fireplace."

"Are you flirting with me, MG?"

"Would you want me to stop?"

" . . . . "

" . . . . "


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