Chapter || Six

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"How'd you know it *hiccup* was me?"

"Numbers are easy to remember for me."

"So you remember everyone's birthdays and shit?"

"Unfortunately. It gets annoying when you're trying to forget your cheating ex's birthday."

"My birthday is June 3rd by the way and he's a loser for ever letting you go. Feel better?"

"A little. Who would have thought you were a nice drunk?"

"I've heard I'm a sex god drunk and sober."

"Are you - are you coming on to me right now?"


"What's going on? Hey are you okay?! What's that noise?"

" . . . . "


" . . . . "

"Hellooo? Red mustang guy?"

"I'm good. I'm good. Did you just call me *hiccup* red mustang guy?"

"Well yeah, I don't know your name."

"At least I gave you a cool name. Runner is badass."

"It really isn't."

"Red mustang guy is terrible. At least I gave yours some thought."

"How about you tell me your name and we won't have to use nicknames at all."

"But I like yours and I deserve an equally badass name. You did hit my car so give it some thought. Sleep on it and comeback *hiccup* with something better."

"Are you trying to guilt me into giving you a nickname?"

"Is it working?"


"Dammit. Plan two -"

"How drunk are you?"

"Not drunk enough. I can still count back from ten."

"Don't start -"







"You can stop now."



"You can stooop."




"Great job. Now count in mandarin."

"Okay -"


"Make my ears bleed, why don't you?"

"Look, as much as I would love to hear you count numbers until the sun comes up, which is in three hours, I would like to get back to my painting and you should get back to your party."

"But I don't want to go back."

"You sound like a brat. The party is for you. Who doesn't like parties?"

"When there are a bunch of snobs and nobody cares about who you really are it gets boring."

"Well I have to go. I'll talk to you later - and stop drinking! Bye!"

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