Chapter || Twenty-Eight

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"What's so great about Thursday?"

"Uhh, Grey's Anatomy rerunds. What do you mean?"

"What's Grey's Anatomy?"

"How are we friends? Grey's Anatomy is the reason I don't need a medical degree. I can cut you open and remove your gallbladder without a problem."

"I don't think we're at a point to where I would trust you with a scalpel yet."


"Is that your new motto?"

"It's Grey's - you don't know anything. We should have a Grey's Anatomy Marathon Sunday."

"Inviting me to your house after our first meet, Runner? That's a little promis-"

"Oh shut it. We've known each other for a lifetime in phone calls. Each month is like a year."

"So, three years?"

"Exactly, and having a Grey's Anatomy Marathon will seal our friendship."

"I thought the Disney Marathon sealed it."

"Grey's Anatomy will prove to me that I can trust you with my life, MG. By season thirteen I will expect you to be able to do a triple by-pass in fifteen hours."

"That's pretty intense."

"It's life or death, MG. Life or death."

"What happened at the deli yesterday? Did you talk to him?"

"I didn't really have a choice, not that I'm complaining. They called my name and I tried to walk out the door without walking pass him but he was in line so it was inevitable."

"Did you ask if he was single?"

"Of course not! We barely even know each other."

"He's invited you to two of his parties. I think he might be trying to give you a hint, Runner. Take the bait."

"I'm not taking any bait because there is none. He's a attractive celebrity that likes to be surrounded by pretty ladies and to party."

"How do you know that?"

"He has a party every weekend! It has too be exhausting."

"Maybe you should get to know him before you start judging him, Runner."

"It's an observation."

"An observation made off of tabloids. You know what - I got to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Oh, okay. Bye."

--   --   --

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