Chapter || Nineteen

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"I'm not going."

"You're not going?"

"I'm not going."

"Not going where?"

"To the party Demitri invited me to. I'm not going."

"Hold on - hold on real quick . . .   . . . "

" . . .   . . . "

"Okay, I'm back. Now why aren't you going?"

"Because I'm not."

"That's terrible and illogical reasoning. So tell the truth. Why aren't you going?"

" . . . . "


"Because I procrastinated telling my best friend about it and now she's out doing cute couple stuff with her boyfriend and I refuse to go alone. Plus I don't have anything to wear. I mean, what do you wear around a celebrity anyways? I would look like the two dollar clearance section standing next to Ralph Lauren."

"I don't think he would care about name brand clothes, Runner. You think he's that shallow?"

"Of course not but it's not about what I think or what he thinks. It's about what his fans think. What if someone sees us talking and takes our picture? What if he doesn't talk to me the entire time? Or worse, what if he doesn't remember me and I can't get into the party and I have to go home anyways?! I might as well just stay home!!"

"Take a breath and calm down, would you?"

"This is exactly why I'm not going. It's final. The decision has been made and I'm not changing my mind. I'm not going."

"Runner -"

"You can't change my mind, MG. I'm not going."

"What if . . . what if he is in fact, you know . . . looking for you?"

"He's won't be. There will be rich people there and sexy half naked girls to keep him occupied."

"And if he asks why you stood him up, then what?"

"I'll just avoid him for the duration of the film. Easy peazy."

"Look, I got to go but I think you should at least stop by and say hi. You don't get invited to your crush's party every day."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm going to finish your painting and send it to that P.O. Box address you gave me. Bye MG!"

"Bye Runner."

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