The test

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None of us could have guessed what the test waiting for us was. Initially, I was worried about it but as soon as Killian and Eli joined us I got busy bickering with the dumbass, and for the time being, it completely slipped my mind.

"Are you never going to grow?" Eli waved his hand above my head just to annoy the hell out of me.

"Keep your mouth shut." I looked straight ahead as I walked because I wanted to ignore him but it was impossible to do since Eli is very persistent.

"Why? Does it bother you?" He smirked, "Well, you probably didn't grow down there either." He shook his head in disappointment.

Oh My God! This asshole!

I glared at him, "Why? Did you want to get fucked by me?"

"I don't want a tiny dick in me." He showed his displeasure with his facial expressions, "What's the point if you won't feel anything." He made a 'tiny' gesture with his fingers as he mocked me.

"If you're that desperate to feel something I'll make sure you 'feel' something."

"With your tiny dick?" He let out a gasp, "No thank you."

"What makes you think I'm tiny?" I looked at his crotch, "My height?" I shook my head at him, "Since you're so stuck on the size you must be smaller than me."

"Do these two always fight like this?" Calix asked.

"Yes," Killian gave him a short answer, "Always." Killian is so used to this that he can now pretend nothing is happening.

"I'm not fighting though." Eli looked back at the other two, "I'm just asking questions."

"Fucking rude ones," I added.

"I'm just stating facts." He shrugged.

"Clearly you learned no manners." I sighed, "You were born an ass."

"Hey," Killian spoke up, "We've walked for quite some while now," He stopped in his path, and then the rest of us did the same and looked at him, "I have no idea where we are."

We all looked around the place, the forest had grown thicker, so clearly, we had walked quite far.

"Do we know the way back?" Calix asked and we all grew quiet.

Panic began to set in, "Well, we did walk in a straight line..." I looked at our back, "I'm sure we'll find it."

Eli sighed, "Shouldn't we have found out about the test by now?" He stated, "I know it's not something so simple as finding your way out-"

His words were cut short by a cry for help.

"Help!!!" Someone was screaming from further in the forest, "Somebody!!" The voice seemed pain and haggard, "Please!! Anybody there!??"

We all looked at each other as the distress call got lower, "Please... Help..." We nodded, then ran towards the voice. I had no idea what was waiting for us but my gut feeling started telling me something was going to get serious.

As we ran towards the person calling for help I suddenly smelt something. Something alluring. Something nice.

Wait, I frowned because soon after a figure came into view.

Something is not right!

I stopped in my path, "Wait!" My eyes grew wider as I realized what sort of scent I had smelt. The Alphas stopped a little further from me.

"What?" They looked at me.

"She's right there," Calix said and pointed at the female who was prostrating in the forest clearing a few feet away from us. They probably didn't get it because they were sprinting full speed ahead.

"Don't you smell that?" I looked at them in horror because I wasn't going to be the one in trouble because of this. It was them I was worried about.

"Smell what?" Killian had just presented the statement when a burst of heat pheromones made our way towards us.

I didn't get a chance to do anything before we were struck with the pheromones.


I looked at the three Alpha werewolves as they stood frozen in their place, sort of even terrified as their eyes glowed goldenly and they finally knew what I was warning them about.

Fuck! Fuck!

This was the test?? To expose Alphas to an omega in heat?!

I pinched my nose just in case, I knew these pheromones would do absolutely nothing to me but the amount that woman was releasing was scaring me. It was so strong it was practically forcing everyone to come to her. A heat this strong is a mating call, it practically forces the Alphas into a rut.


I looked between the Alphas and the omega on the ground. Eli, Killian, and Calix had their noses pinched but it was far too late now. The strong and sudden pheromones had made their way into their system and now they were busy fighting themselves.

Their jaws clenched, eyes palpitating, fangs out and fists tightened.

Oh, this is bad!

At this rate, they might just lose it and attack her. The situation was so tense, they couldn't even bring themselves to move away from the place. It was as if they tried, they'd lose.

I shook my head. This kind of test is too cruel! Not just for the werewolves but also for the poor girl who's the target.

I looked at the omega on the ground but just then another group arrived at the site from another direction, they were far from us but unfortunately for them, they couldn't catch what was wrong in time either.

They all froze in their places, their eyes glowed yellow as they looked at their prey, and then I felt something. Something I should have thought about sooner.

Another smell. My eyes went wide as the strong smell of lust made me tremble

Alpha pheromones.

Not just one, but many. All the Alphas around me were secreting their mating pheromones and putting aside the omega already in heat, I was in grave danger because of that.

I felt my heart pound as my eyes started to glow a little. My wolf jumped in excitement as it thought it was time to mate and though it was unwillingly, I looked at the Alphas in excitement.

My cheeks flushed when I saw the bulges in their pants and it gave me butterflies.

It made me wet.

My breathing was exhilarated and I felt my skin stand up.

I was going to lose my rational thinking at this point because this wasn't the normal amount of rut pheromones. I had three Alpha right next to me who wanted to mate and the amount they were secreting was making me go mad.

I gulped

Oh! No! NO! NO! I shook my head as along with feeling elevated, I started feeling terrified.

I placed my hand on my neck!

No! I'll get exposed at this rate!!!

If I let my pheromones out I'm done for!!

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin