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I didn't hear from Eli at all. From the moment I entered the bathroom, it was dead silent outside. For the first few minutes, I was too scared to look outside but after a while I got worried.

When the cold shower cooled my head, all sorts of things began to run through my mind.

He did hit his head, what if something went wrong?? What if he's bleeding? If something really is wrong like that, I should call the ambulance or something.

After my body had calmed down, I stepped outside the bathroom with my wet clothes and peeked into the room. There was no activity at all. The room was as quiet as it could get. So, I went further out to look at the place where he hit his head.

My eyes went wide for a moment when I saw him passed out on the floor and rushed to his side to look for injury.

I kneeled down on the floor and exclaimed his head thoroughly, I even checked his heartbeat because I was terrified of anything going wrong. Only after confirming that there was nothing out of the ordinary, I calmed down.

I let out a sigh of relief and stood up, then looked down at him.

I guess this was for the best, for both of us. I can't even blame him for what he did, I know my omega pheromones were leaking out.

As I relaxed a little, a chilling wave went down my spine and I sneezed.

"Oh..." I looked at my drenched clothes and sighed, "Better take these off." I glanced at Eli again who was unconscious and decided to undress at the spot,

I was going to get everything wet if I moved around more.

I took everything off and tossed them in the basket which was near the bed and then began to walk towards my closet to get my pajamas out. We can't leave our rooms anyway so why not get comfy?

It was when I reached Eli's feet to move to the other side that I noticed it again. It wasn't an intentional look, I just glanced at him out of worry but my eyes caught something they shouldn't have.

I immediately closed my legs as my cheeks flushed. Seeing that bulge in his pants that still hadn't gone down made me tingle down there.

I looked the other way with my cheeks red.


I ran towards my closet to get my clothes and for the rest of the night, I didn't even think about coming close to him. I grabbed my pill bottle and ate two capsules because even though my body had calmed down a little because of the shower, I had to be sure that I wouldn't go into heat because I took a lot of Alphas pheromones today.

My body shuddered as soon as I remembered that scene in the forest

My hands slipped to the back of my neck and I felt insecure.

I really hope I won't have to go through this again.

I glanced at the other bed, beyond which Eli was laying.

I hope he doesn't remember what happened today.



Eli was up before me the next morning. He came out of the shower when I got up and looked at me suspiciously.

"What?" I glared at him from the bed feeling anxious with my messed up bed hair.

Is he going to ask me about yesterday? I know he smelt me and he smelt my pheromones. I exposed myself completely.

I gulped.

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